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Scopri la nostra gamma di elettrodomestici innovativi e di alta qualità, progettati per rendere la tua vita quotidiana più semplice e piacevole. Dalla cucina alla pulizia della casa, troverai la soluzione perfetta per ogni tua esigenza.

39 products

  • immagine-1-samsung-lavatrice-a-carico-frontale-samsung-ww11bb504dtw-11-kg-classe-a-1400-giri-a85xl60xp60-bianco-ai-control-motore-digital-inverter-ean-8806094609738

    Samsung Lavatrice A Carico Frontale Samsung WW11BB504DTW 11 Kg Classe A 1400 Giri (A85xL60xP60) Bianco AI Control Motore Digital Inverter

    GENERALE Tipo di installazione: Libera Installazione Classe efficienza energetica: A Consumo energia per 100 cicli di lavaggio: 53 kWh Consumo di acqua per ciclo di lavaggio: 54 lt Durata programma Eco 40°-60°: 240 min Classe efficacia Lavaggio: A Classe efficacia Centrifuga: B Capacità lavaggio: 11 kg Velocità Centrifuga: 1.400 RPM Emissione rumore aereo centrifuga: 72 Visualizzazione stato avanzamento del programma: Sì Visualizzazione tempo restante alla fine del programma: Sì CARATTERISTICHE STRUTTURALI Display: Sì Colore: Bianco PROGRAMMI/FUNZIONI/OPZIONI Numero programmi: 16 Eco: Sì Sporco Difficile/Intensivo: Sì Mezzo carico/Bilanciamento automatico del carico: Sì Delicati: Sì Lana: Sì Lavaggio a Mano: Sì Misti: Sì Trapunte/Piumoni: Sì Partenza ritardata fino a 24 h: Sì Rapido/Giornaliero: Sì A vapore: Sì Anti piega/ stiro meno: Sì Regolazione ed esclusione centrifuga: Sì Regolazione ed esclusione temperatura: Sì TIPOLOGIA SISTEMI DI SICUREZZA Sicurezza Antiallagamento: Sì Controllo Schiuma: Sì SMART HOME Compatibilità Amazon Alexa: No Compatibilità Apple Homekit: No Compatibilità Google Home: No Compatibilità IFTTT: No Compatibilità Samsung SmartThings: Sì SOLUZIONI Smart home: Sì DIMENSIONI E PESO Altezza: 85 cm Larghezza: 60 cm Profondità: 60 cm Peso senza imballo: 72 kg GARANZIA 24 mesi Caratteristiche principali: Classe energetica A Space Max™: 11 kg nello spazio di una 8 kg standard AI Control: impara dalle tue abitudini Ecobubble: lava a freddo come a caldo 20 anni di garanzia sul motore Digital Inverter™ Ecobubble™: Addio allo sporco, anche alle basse temperature. SpaceMax™: 11kg nello spazio di una 8kg standard: grazie alla tecnologia SpaceMax™, mantenendo le stesse dimensioni esterne della lavatrice, aumenta la capienza del cestello XXL.


  • immagine-1-samsung-frigorifero-combinato-samsung-rb33b610fww-ecoflex-344-litri-no-frost-classe-f-a1853xl595xp658-digital-inverter-bianco-ean-8806094505634

    Samsung Frigorifero Combinato Samsung RB33B610FWW EcoFlex 344 Litri No Frost Classe F (A185,3xL59,5xP65,8) Digital Inverter Bianco

    Specifiche Larghezza: 595 mm Profondità: 658 mm Altezza: 1853 mm Peso: 63 kg Profondità netta senza porta: 59,5 cm Larghezza imballo: 637 mm Profondità imballo: 740 mm Altezza imballo: 1935 mm Peso dell'imballo: 66 kg Classe efficienza energetica: F Consumo energetico annuo: 295 kWh Scala di efficienza energetica: Da A a G Posizione del congelatore: Posto in basso Capacità netta congelatore: 114 L Capacità di congelamento: 7 kg/24h Autonomia senza energia elettrica: 9 h Punteggio: 4* No Frost (congelatore): Si Numero di ripiani congelatore: 3 Vaschetta del ghiaccio: Si Capacità netta frigorifero: 230 L No Frost (frigorifero): Si Numero di ripiani frigorifero: 4 Numero di cassetti per verdura: 1 Funzione Super Cool: No Luce interna: Si Tipo di lampada: LED Balconcini del frigorifero: 3 Porta uova: Si Porta bottiglie: Si Allarme porta aperta: Si Posizionamento dell'apparecchio: Libera installazione Colore del prodotto: Bianco Cerniera porta: Destra Porte reversibili: Si Mezzo refrigerante: R600a Materiale ripiano: Vetro temperato Capacità netta totale: 344 L Classe climatica: SN-T Classe emissione rumore: B Emissione acustica: 35 dB Produzione ghiaccio: No Minima temperatura di funzionamento: 10 °C Massima temperatura di funzionamento: 43 °C Descrizione Più spazio nello stesso spazio Tecnologia SpaceMax™- Questo frigorifero extra large da 385 litri* garantisce una capacità interna superiore con una profondità standard di 60 cm, allineandosi perfettamente con gli altri mobili della cucina, infatti sborda solamente la porta. L'isolante altamente efficiente della tecnologia SpaceMax™ consente di ridurre notevolmente lo spessore delle pareti, creando più spazio per la conservazione degli alimenti, senza antiestetiche sporgenze esterne. Freddo uniforme ovunque All Around Cooling- La sicurezza di un raffreddamento adeguato - in ogni zona del frigorifero. Il sistema All Around Cooling garantisce un freddo uniforme in ogni zona del frigorifero. Controlla costantemente la temperatura e fa circolare l'aria fredda attraverso bocchette collocate in posizioni strategiche. In questo modo ogni ripiano viene raffreddato in modo ottimale e gli alimenti rimangono più freschi. Evita la formazione di brina risparmiando tempo e fatica Total no frost - Evita di sprecare tempo ed energia per sbrinare il frigorifero. La tecnologia Total no frost ottimizza la circolazione dell'aria per mantenere una temperatura costante che impedisce la formazione di ghiaccio. Inoltre raggiunge la temperatura impostata molto più rapidamente, richiedendo meno energia al sistema di raffreddamento che dura quindi più a lungo. Bottiglie più grandi e in maggior quantità nella porta Grande balconcino - Per conservare le bottiglie più grandi, fino a due litri, evitando di occupare spazio sul ripiano. Un balconcino più largo e profondo consente di conservare in modo sicuro le bottiglie grandi, cartoni ingombranti e un maggior numero di bevande. Ottimo per avere a portata di mano, in qualsiasi momento, le proprie bevande fresche preferite. Meno consumi, più silenziosità Tecnologia Digital Inverter - Per risparmiare energia e minimizzare il rumore. Il compressore Digital Inverter regola automaticamente la propria velocità in base all'effettiva necessità di raffreddamento. E con un'emissione di appena 35dB(B) è estremamente silenzioso. Inoltre, è conforme alle nuove normative energetiche in quanto consuma fino al 50% di energia in meno*, consentendo anche un risparmio economico. Retro di facile pulizia, durevole e protettivo Clean Back - Pulire il retro del frigorifero ora è molto più facile. Il Clean Back è una copertura di sicurezza completamente liscia che protegge cavi e serpentine. Oltre ad avere un'estetica elegante, può essere pulito facilmente e garantisce una maggior durata. Impedisce l'accumulo di sporco intorno ai componenti e li protegge dagli urti.


  • immagine-1-samsung-piano-cottura-a-gas-samsung-na64h3010a-4-fuochi-l60xp52-nero-ean-8801643289096

    Samsung Piano Cottura A Gas Samsung NA64H3010A 4 Fuochi (L60xP52) Nero

    GENERALE Tipologia piano a gas: A incasso Tipo di installazione: A incasso Coperchio: NO Materiale Griglie: Ghisa Materiale Piano: Acciaio Inox Posizione Comandi: Frontali Timer: Sì Valvole di sicurezza: Sì Colore: Nero BRUCIATORI/ZONE Tipologia bruciatori: 1 rapido, 1 semi rapido, 1 ausiliario, 1 WoK Numero Fuochi/Zone: 4 Accensione elettronica: Sì SOLUZIONI Smart home: No SMART HOME Compatibilità Amazon Alexa: No Compatibilità Apple Homekit: No Compatibilità Google Home: No Compatibilità IFTTT: No Compatibilità Samsung SmartThings: No DIMENSIONI Altezza Prodotto: 9,8 cm Larghezza Prodotto: 60 cm Profondità Prodotto: 52 cm Peso senza imballo: 14,8 Kg GARANZIA GARANZIA: 24 mesi GARANZIA END USER: 24 mesi DESCRIZIONE PIANO COTTURA A GAS SAMSUNG NA64H3010AK Fiamma potente - Il piano cottura a gas ha 4 fornelli che erogano una potenza impressionante di 8.3 kW, ed è uno dei più potenti della sua categoria. Puoi cuocere in modo veloce, e far rosolare o arrostire le tue pietanze. Puoi far bollire l'acqua e far cuocere i tuoi piatti molto più rapidamente. Quindi se sei di fretta o vuoi sbizzarrirti in cucina questo è il fornello giusto per ogni tua esigenza di cottura. Non sollevare, fai scorrere! - Il piano cottura Samsung è dotato di una griglia studiata appositamente per spostare le pentole in tutta facilità e sicurezza. Puoi far scorrere anche le pentole e le padelle più pesanti sulla griglia senza il bisogno di sollevarle. Il piano cottura è dotato di indicatori che ti mostrano quando la pentola è ben posizionata sul fornello. Facile pulizia delle griglie - La pulizia delle griglie non è stata mai così semplice. Grazie alle dimensioni compatte, tutti i pezzi possono essere messi in lavastoviglie senza problemi rendendo così la tua cucina impeccabilmente pulita.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-samsung-piano-ad-induzione-samsung-nz64t3707ak-4-fuochi-l59xp52-vetro-nero-slide-touch-control-ean-8806090092190

    Samsung Piano Ad Induzione Samsung NZ64T3707AK 4 Fuochi (L59xP52) Vetro Nero Slide Touch Control

    PIANO COTTURA AD INDUZIONE SAMSUNG NZ64T3707AK Piano a Induzione 60cm NZ64T3707AK Caratteristiche principali:-4 Zone-9+1 livelli di potenza-Colore Nero Gestione semplice e intuitiva della temperatura - Slide Touch ControlScopri un nuovo modo di cucinare con il giusto livello di calore. La funzione Slide Touch Control permette di gestire le temperature in modo rapido e preciso. Basta scorrere il dito sul display LED per regolare il livello di calore con un unico e semplice movimento, impostando con la massima precisione fino a 15 livelli di potenza. I cibi rimangono caldi e pronti da servireLa funzione Mantieni in caldo consente di mantenere i piatti a temperatura ottimale, conservando le caratteristiche di un cibo appena preparato. Il secondo livello della barra di comando a scorrimento, di cui è provvista ogni zona di cottura, produce il calore ottimale per l'ebollizione. Proteggere i bambini è ancora più facileIl blocco bambini evita l'attivazione della piastra da parte dei più piccoli. Il pannello di controllo può essere completamente bloccato con un semplice tocco, impedendo quindi di accendere accidentalmente o anche intenzionalmente la piastra ed eliminando il pericolo di scottature. Sicurezza automatica per evitare incidentiIl meccanismo di spegnimento di sicurezza garantisce la massima tranquillità. Le zone di cottura vengono spente automaticamente, qualora siano stati lasciati oggetti a cuocere sopra di esse per un periodo di tempo relativamente lungo oppure non siano intervenute modifiche entro un dato intervallo di tempo. Segnala se il piano cottura è troppo caldo - Indicatore di calore residuoVerifica all’istante se il piano cottura può essere toccato in sicurezza. Quando una zona viene spenta, un indicatore del calore residuo mostra una “H” se la piastra è ancora troppo calda, per poi spegnersi una volta che si è raffreddata. Si evita così il rischio di scottature accidentali e si può utilizzare il calore residuo per tenere i cibi in caldo. DIMENSIONI Altezza Prodotto 6 Cm Larghezza Prodotto 59 Cm Larghezza vano 56 Cm Profondità Prodotto 52 Cm Profondità vano 49 Cm


  • immagine-1-samsung-piano-cottura-ad-induzione-samsung-virtual-flame-nz84t9770ek-4-fuochi-a56xl80xp52-vetro-temperato-nero-fiamma-virtuale-blu-manopola-removibile-ean-8806090445989

    Samsung Piano Cottura Ad Induzione Samsung Virtual Flame NZ84T9770EK 4 Fuochi (A56xL80xP52) Vetro Temperato Nero Fiamma Virtuale Blu Manopola Removibile

    La nuova immagine della cottura a induzioneL'innovativa tecnologia Virtual Flame™ di Samsung visualizza in maniera chiara il calore di ogni piastra grazie alle luci LED che simulano l'aspetto della fiamma e si illuminano in base alla temperatura di ogni zona di cottura. Per cucinare sempre con la massima precisione Pomello rimovibileGrazie al pomello magnetico è possibile gestire con la massima precisione la temperatura del piano cottura Chef Collection di Samsung. Inoltre, l'intera superficie risulterà più facile da pulire grazie al pomello completamente rimovibile. La soluzione giusta per ogni forma e dimensioneIl piano cottura Chef Collection di Samsung presenta Wide Flex Zone, un'ampia area condivisa pensata per preparare più piatti contemporaneamente. Il piano è sufficientemente ampio e spazioso da consentire l'utilizzo di pentole e padelle di varie forme e dimensioni. Cibi caldi e prontiIl pulsante Keep Warm è molto utile quando si devono preparare più ricette contemporaneamente, perché consente di mantenere i cibi alla giusta temperatura senza rischiare di cuocerli troppo. I cibi sembreranno appena preparati in qualunque momento li servirai. DIMENSIONI  Altezza Prodotto 56 Cm Larghezza Prodotto 80 Cm Larghezza vano 80 Cm Profondità Prodotto 52 Cm Profondità vano 52 Cm La potenza istantanea del caloreIl pulsante Quick Start riduce i tempi d'attesa e i passaggi da seguire assicurando il massimo calore istantaneo, che potrà essere ridotto gradualmente in un secondo momento. Aumenta immediatamente il livello di potenza da "0" a "15" senza dover aspettare. Metti in pausa con un semplice toccoIl comodo pulsante Pause consente di ridurre la temperatura di tutte le zone di cottura con una semplice operazione. Per riprendere la cottura, ti basterà premere nuovamente il pulsante per riportare subito il calore ai livelli preimpostati.


  • immagine-1-samsung-kit-sovrapposizione-samsung-per-lavatrice-e-asciugatrice-ai-control-skk-udw-con-mensola-estraibile-ean-8806090760808

    Samsung KIT Sovrapposizione Samsung per Lavatrice e Asciugatrice Ai Control SKK-UDW Con Mensola Estraibile

    KIT SOVRAPPOSIZIONE LAVATRICE-ASCIUGATRICE SAMSUNG Ai CONTROL SKK-UDWCollega comodamente lavatrice e asciugatriceCon lo Stacking Kit Samsung è possibile impilare comodamente lavatrice ed asciugatrice Samsung risparmiando spazio e fatica. L’accessorio, facile e veloce da installare, dispone di una comoda mensola estraibile dove accomodare il cesto della biancheria per caricare e scaricare l’asciugatrice senza piegarsi.Caratteristiche:-Dimensioni: 60,5x7,5x56,5 cm-Compatibile con Lavatrici e Asciugatrici Ai Control-Dotato di ripiano estraibile


  • immagine-1-samsung-frigorifero-combinato-344-litri-samsung-rb34a6b1ds9ef-spacemax-classe-d-ean-8806092252783

    Samsung Combined Refrigerator 344 Liters Samsung Rb34a6b1ds9/Ef Spacemax Class D

      SAMSUNG RB34A6B1DS9 COMBINED REFRIGERATOR Main features: -Capacity: 344L -Energy Class: D -Dimensions: 59.5 x 185.3 x 65.8 cm More internal space, same external depth SpaceMax™ technology This extra-large 390-litre fridge provides superior internal capacity with a standard depth of 600mm, aligning perfectly with other kitchen furniture. The highly efficient insulation of SpaceMax™ technology allows the wall thickness to be significantly reduced, creating more space for food storage, without unsightly external protrusions. Uniform cold everywhere - All Around Cooling The assurance of adequate cooling - in every area of ​​the refrigerator. The All Around Cooling system guarantees uniform cold in every area of ​​the refrigerator. It constantly monitors the temperature and circulates cool air through strategically placed vents. In this way, each shelf is optimally cooled and the food stays fresher. Avoid the formation of frost, saving time and effort - Total no frost Avoid wasting time and energy defrosting the fridge. Total no frost technology optimizes air circulation to maintain a constant temperature which prevents the formation of ice. It also reaches the set temperature much faster, requiring less energy from the cooling system which therefore lasts longer. Fast cooling and freezing on demand - Power Cool/Power Freeze Speed ​​is also important. At the push of a button, the Power Cool function quickly circulates cold air through the refrigerator to quickly chill food and drinks. The Power Freeze function creates a rapid jet of cold air in the freezer. It's the best for freezing or cooling foods to the right point, but also for making ice. Elegant and harmoniously integrated - Essential and perfectly aligned design For a home with an elegant and harmonious look. Its standard depth of 60cm is perfectly in line with that of the other kitchen furniture. Featuring elegant flat doors, with integrated water dispenser and Clean Back. The minimalist interior features a hidden display, wine shelf, and food storage containers and drawers. Larger bottles and more in the door - Large balcony For storing larger bottles, up to two litres, without taking up shelf space. A wider and deeper balcony allows you to safely store large bottles, bulky cartons and more drinks. Great for having your favorite cool drinks close at hand at any time. Less consumption, more silent - Digital Inverter Technology To save energy and minimize noise. The Digital Inverter compressor automatically adjusts its speed according to the actual cooling need. And with an output of just 35dB(B) it's extremely quiet. Furthermore, it complies with the new energy regulations as it consumes up to 50% less energy, also allowing for economic savings. The door opens flush with the adjacent walls - Flush opening Place your refrigerator wherever you like, without the walls being an obstacle. Its flush design allows you to open the door 90° without the edge touching the wall. So you can place it where it suits you best and the door will open fully while remaining flush with the side wall. Easy clean, durable and protective backing - Clean Back Cleaning the back of the fridge is now much easier. The Clean Back is a completely smooth safety cover that protects cables and coils. In addition to having an elegant aesthetic, it can be cleaned easily and guarantees a longer life. Prevents accumulation of dirt around components and protects them from shocks. GENERAL Combined typology No Frost Refrigerator Cooling System No Frost Freezer Compartment Cooling System Energy efficiency class D Useful Volume Refrigerator Compartment 230 lt Useful Volume Freezer Compartment 114 lt Storage autonomy without electricity 9 h Primary color Stainless steel Noise Level 35 dB(A) Power 1W Freezing Power 8 kg/24h Independent Fridge/Freezer Temperature Adjustment Yes Automatic Freezer defrosting system Automatic refrigerator defrosting system Type of installation Free-standing Stainless steel door primary colour Annual energy consumption 204 Airborne noise emission 35 Stainless steel door primary color tone STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Reversible door Yes Interior light Yes External handle No Number of compartments on inner door 3 Feet Yes Display Yes Features Internal display REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Number of Shelves 4 Object holder balconies 3 Material Shelves Glass Greengrocer number 1 Bottle compartment Yes Number of bottle compartments 1 FREEZER COMPARTMENT Drawer type Number of Freezer Compartments 3 MAIN FUNCTIONS Fast freezing Yes Fast Cooling Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 185.3cm Width 59.5cm Depth 65.8cm Weight without packaging 70 kg WARRANTY 24 months


  • immagine-1-samsung-frigorifero-monoporta-387-l-samsung-rr39m7565b1-smart-dongle-classe-e-ean-8806094286854

    Samsung Single Door Refrigerator 387 L Samsung Rr39m7565b1 Smart Dongle Class E

      SINGLE DOOR REFRIGERATOR RR39M7565B1 7000 Series single door RR39M7565B1 Main features: -Capacity: 385L -Energy Class: E -Dimensions: 59.5 x 185.3 x 69.4 cm More space in the same space The 7000 series refrigerator integrates perfectly into kitchen furnishings, offering greater capacity for the same external dimensions. Goodbye to frost and ice - Total No Frost Total No Frost technology improves air circulation to maintain a constant temperature in all parts of the refrigerator, thus preventing the formation of frost and ice. Furthermore, it reaches the set temperature faster, optimizes the durability of the system and avoids wasting electricity for defrosting. Cool every corner - All-Around Cooling The All-Around Cooling system constantly monitors any changes in temperature and cools every point of the refrigerator evenly. The cold air is introduced through the fans located on each level of the shelves to create a multi-directional flow, maintaining a constant temperature that preserves the freshness of the food. Steel Insulating Coating - Metal Cooling The internal lining retains the cold and helps to counteract any temperature fluctuations: in this way the food is better preserved and always remains fresh, even if the door is opened frequently. It also adds a touch of style to your kitchen. Fast cooling and freezing - Power Cool and Power Freeze functions These functions ensure rapid cooling for drinks and ice making. By simply pressing a button, the Power Cool function introduces a flow of cold air into the freezer to freeze or cool food quickly, while the Power Freeze function is the ideal solution for freezing and preserving food (for example ice cream) or producing more ice. Harmonious Elegance - Flat Design The Flat Design creates an absolutely harmonious effect that embellishes the kitchen. Furthermore, it integrates perfectly with the surface of the existing furniture and, thanks to its flat shape, it does not create protrusions and allows you to open the door freely and use the drawers without the impediment represented by the side wall. Everything under control - Smart Dongle The refrigerator is equipped with a Smart Dongle, a feature that allows you to control it at any time and wherever you are, using the appropriate application* on your smartphone. You will be able to keep an eye on the Rapid Cooling modes, the temperature and receive notifications if you have left the door open. The system is even able to diagnose any problems, without having to consult the owner's manual. Less consumption, more silence - DIT with Digital Inverter Compressor The Digital Inverter Compressor is equipped with an electronic device that allows the modulation of the power supplied, in a manner proportional to the actual needs. In this way it is possible to save energy and at the same time minimize noise thanks to a special sound-absorbing coating. Conveniently store and reach all foods - Retractable sliding shelf Taking something from the refrigerator often means making your way through a thousand obstacles, but the retractable shelf slides easily and allows you to store, organize and find food, being able to locate and reach even the food placed in the rear and in a simple and quick way. in the corners, without blind spots. Even more door space - Adjustable drawers Sometimes it can be difficult to insert bulky objects or objects with a particular shape inside the refrigerator. Adjustable drawers help you easily organize and flexibly arrange items of various sizes. The space can be organized to insert bottles, cartons and other objects of all sizes, finding their place for each one. Extraordinary brightness - Plafond Led light The ultra-bright Plafond Led light system, placed in the upper part and on the sides of the refrigerator, effectively illuminates all points of the compartment, ensuring superior energy efficiency and a reduced footprint compared to traditional systems, features that allow you to save and to have more space available for food. The light produced is more delicate and pleasing to the eye. Everything at your disposal - Take-out The Take-out compartment allows you to store and access frequently used foods, such as dairy products, desserts or wine, faster. You can use it as a drawer or you can remove the tray to easily reach everything. And because it's transparent, it's even easier to organize your fridge. Optimal humidity level - Fruit and Vegetable Drawer with humidity regulation The Fruit and Vegetable drawer with humidity regulation allows you to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for longer, above all thanks to the large size which also allows you to store bulky objects. An optimal level of humidity is maintained inside the drawer by means of the automatic opening and closing of the special fan which releases or retains the humidity. GENERAL Type Refrigerator only Full No Frost Refrigerator Cooling System Cooling System Freezer Compartment Not present Energy efficiency class E Useful Volume Refrigerator Compartment 385 lt Useful Volume Freezer Compartment 0 lt Climatic class SN N ST T Noise Level 39 dB(A) Freezing Power 0 kg/24h Fridge/Freezer Temperature Independent Adjustment No Defrosting system Freezer Not present Defrosting system Full No Frost refrigerator Type of installation Free-standing Primary door color Black Annual energy consumption 120 Airborne noise emission 39 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Reversible door Yes Drink Dispenser No Interior light Yes External handle Yes Number of compartments on inner door 7 Domed Doors No Display Yes REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Number of Shelves 5 Object holder balconies 7 Crystal shelf material Greengrocer number 2 Antibacterial Internal Lining Yes Bottle compartment Yes GROSS CAPACITY Gross Capacity Refrigerator Compartment 385 lt Gross Total Capacity 385 lt MAIN FUNCTIONS Fast freezing No Vacation function (Energy saving) Yes Fast Cooling Yes Vacuum Storage System No Other Features Wifi Dongle Support DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 185.3cm Width 59.5cm Depth 64.4cm Weight without packaging 75 kg WARRANTY 24 months


  • Asciugatrice A Pompa Di Calore Samsung 9kg Dv90bb7445gw Quickdrive Classe A+++ - CaldaieMurali

    Samsung Samsung Heat Pump Dryer 9kg Dv90bb7445gw Quickdrive Class A+++

    SAMSUNG DV90BB7445GW DRYER BESPOKE AI™ QuickDry 9Kg dryer Main features: - Energy class A +++ -5% -9kg -Flat Design -Quickdry -AI DRY Energy efficiency class A+++-5% 5% more efficient than class A+++ Save time and protect the environment by using less electricity. The Heat Pump technology combined with the Digital Inverter compressor offers a more efficient, convenient and delicate solution for drying laundry and, by heating the air with a specific "refrigerant" instead of electricity, it avoids unnecessary waste of energy. 5% more efficient than class A+++. Smart sensors - AI Dry Discover the advantages of quick and precise drying, which does not attack fabrics and reduces energy consumption by 10%. The intelligent sensors of the AI ​​Dry program monitor the humidity and temperature of the load in real time, automatically calibrating and optimizing the dryer's performance. In this way AI Dry always guarantees the best solution between speed and lower energy consumption. Less time, more care - QuickDrive™ Spend less time drying and take care of your clothes. By activating the QuickDrive™ function, the times are reduced by 35%, with a consequent saving in electricity. Unlike traditional dryers, this model uses a Digital Inverter compressor to automatically adjust the speed based on the internal temperature and the fabrics to be preserved. Learn from your habits - The dryer as smart as you Samsung presents Ai Control, the dryer equipped with artificial intelligence that learns from your habits. It adapts to your preferences and immediately offers you the programs and options you use most frequently. Efficient, connected and tailor-made for you, Ai Control makes every drying cycle an extremely intuitive Smart experience. With Ai Weather the dryer optimizes every wash. It suggests the ideal drying program based on the type of load and the external climatic conditions. Smart Link - Washer and dryer always connected The washing machine communicates with the dryer by directly setting the ideal drying program based on the washing cycle that has just ended. Did the Cotton washing program just end? Ai Control connects directly to the dryer and sets the ideal drying programme. Ai Communutication - Always stay up to date It suggests actions for you to perform maintenance and resolve errors. Updates you on the progress of each wash cycle. 5 kg dry in 81 minutes - Quick Ecodrying Do you need clothes that are dry and ready to wear in just 2 hours, but do you want to avoid excess consumption? Combine the Quick Ecodrying program (which dries 5 kg of mixed cotton and synthetic fabrics in just 81 minutes) with the Quick Ecowash program of the BESPOKE AI™ washing machines, which washes and spins in 39 minutes. Clean and dry clothes in just 2 hours! Dry and sanitized garments - Sanitizing Program The Sanitizing Program eliminates bacteria, mites and allergens from the fibers of fabrics, even the most delicate ones, such as linen and children's toys. Through the gentle force of heat it eliminates 99% of bacteria. The program works without distinction on both dry and wet garments without compromising drying performance. Maximum flexibility - Reversible door Quickly and easily customize the opening direction of the door according to your needs and the space available for your dryer. Get maximum comfort based on your washing and drying habits. Furthermore, thanks to the practical transparent porthole, you can check your clothes inside the dryer in an instant. Crease-free garments - Easy Iron Eliminates the formation of creases from fabrics, without using an iron. Thanks to the Easy Iron function, once the drying cycle is over, the drum makes intermittent movements for 180 minutes, smoothing out creases from the fabrics. This prevents the garments from staying in the same position for too long and prevents the formation of wrinkles in the fabrics, for ready-to-wear garments. Performing and reliable - Digital Inverter technology The Digital Inverter technology uses solid magnets that allow you to obtain the desired results effectively and silently, consuming less energy than traditional motors. The DI engine boasts the most extensive warranty on the market: a full 20 years. GENERAL Drying capacity 9 kg End of program buzzer Yes Consumption efficiency class A+++ -5% Noise Level 63 dB(A) Drying mode Heat pump Type of installation Free-standing Drying cycle progress display Yes Drying cycle time remaining display Yes Primary color White Annual energy consumption 182 Duration of the full load cotton program 215 Condensation efficiency class B Secondary color Black STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Display Yes Condensate container full indicator Yes Interior light Yes Basket material Steel PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Cotton Yes Mixed Yes Synthetics Yes Anti crease/Iron less Yes Cold air/Refresh cycle Yes Hot air cycle Yes Delayed departure up to 20 hours Sports Yes Quick Yes Delicate Yes Wool Yes Duvets/Quilts Yes Echo Yes Key lock/Child lock Yes Samsung SmartThings compatibility Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 85cm Width 60cm Weight without packaging 50 kg Depth 60cm WARRANTY 24 months


  • immagine-1-samsung-frigorifero-doppia-porta-samsung-rt62k7005sl-620-litri-classe-energetica-f-a186xl836xp788-no-frost-multi-airflow-inverter-inox-ean-8801643880811

    Samsung Samsung Rt62k7005sl Double Door Refrigerator 620 Liters Energy Class F (A186xl83,6xp78,8) No Frost Multi Airflow / Inox Inverter

    Specific Value Brand Samsung Model RT62K7005SL Total net capacity 620 L Energy rating f Dimensions (LxWxH) 836x788x1862mm Depth without handle 74.6 cms Weight 98kg Energy management Energy efficiency class f Annual energy consumption 320 kWh Energy efficiency scale From A to G Freezer Location of the freezer Placed at the top Freezer net capacity 161 L Freezing capacity 10kg/24h Autonomy without energy electricity 20 h Number of freezer shelves 1 Freezer gross capacity 170L Freezer balconies 2 Refrigerator Fridge net capacity 459 L No Frost (refrigerator) Yes Multi-Airflow system (refrigerator) Yes Number of refrigerator shelves 4 Number of drawers for vegetables 2 Refrigerator gross capacity 461 L Interior light Yes Lamp type LEDs Refrigerator balconies 5 Bring eggs Yes Ergonomics Open door alarm Yes Temperature alarm Yes Design Positioning of the appliance Free installation Product color Stainless steel Built-in display Yes Door hinge Left Refrigerant medium R600a Shelf material Tempered glass Performance Climate class SN-T Noise emission class c Acoustic emission 41dB Total gross capacity 631 L SAMSUNG DOUBLE DOOR RT62K7005SL Main features: - Capacity: 620L - Energy Class: F - Dimensions: 83.6 x 186.2 x 74.6cm Humidity and freshness throughout the fridge Only Twin Cooling Plus™ is able to create a favorable environment for storing food in the refrigerator with a humidity percentage of 70%, compared to 30% for a traditional TMF. In this way the food stays fresh longer without drying out. Deliciously tasty and odorless frozen food The Twin Cooling Plus™ system cools the compartments separately to avoid the spread of unwanted odors from the fridge to the freezer. In this way the frozen foods preserve their natural aroma. Did you go overboard with the shopping? Don't worry, there's plenty of room! This large refrigerator has a capacity of 620 litres, because thanks to SpaceMax™ technology it offers more internal space without reducing the external dimensions. So you won't have any problems storing and finding the week's shopping quickly and easily. 5 conversion modes on demand The definitive solution for flexible storage Easily transform your freezer into a refrigerator to keep all the foods you need to store fresh in the various seasons or on special occasions, or activate the OFF mode to save energy, based on specific characteristics. Ice and fresh drinks always available Ensure very cold airflow to freeze or cool food quickly. With the push of a button, the Power Cool function cools food and drinks, while Power Freeze allows you to freeze and preserve food and produce ice. Less consumption, more silence The Digital Inverter compressor has a device that modulates the power supplied, proportionally to the actual needs. save energy and minimize noise thanks to the sound-absorbing coating. Perfect internal visibility Compared to traditional lighting systems, high-efficiency LED light is slimmer, more attractive and more energy-efficient. Located in the upper part and on the sides of the fridge, it illuminates every corner clearly and pleasantly, ensuring better visibility.


  • Asciugatrice A Pompa Di Calore 9 Kg Samsung Dv90ta040ah Crystal Ecodry A++ - CaldaieMurali

    Samsung Samsung Dv90ta040ah Crystal Ecodry A++ Heat Pump Dryer 9 Kg

    SAMSUNG DV90TA040AH DRYER Crystal EcoDry DV90TA040AH dryer. Main features: -Max Capacity: 9 Kg - Energy class A ++ -Optimal Dry Sensor -Heat pump - 2 in 1 filter Maximum flexibility - Reversible door Quickly and easily customize the opening direction of the door according to your needs and the space available for your dryer. Get maximum comfort based on your washing and drying habits. Furthermore, thanks to the practical transparent porthole, you can check your clothes inside the dryer in an instant. Crease-free garments - Easy Iron Eliminates the formation of creases from fabrics, without using an iron. Thanks to the Easy Iron function, once the drying cycle is over, the drum makes intermittent movements for 180 minutes, smoothing out creases from the fabrics. This prevents the garments from staying in the same position for too long and prevents the formation of wrinkles in the fabrics, for ready-to-wear garments. Dries better, consumes less - Optimal Dry Sensor Optimize drying effortlessly! Optimal Dry technology offers you the best possible results, thanks to its 3 sensors that monitor the humidity and temperature inside the drum and adjust the drying time: the laundry will be ready quickly and with the least possible energy expenditure. Plus, it prevents tissue damage and reminds you to clean the heat exchanger. Easy maintenance - 2 in 1 filter Taking care of your dryer and optimizing its performance and safety has never been easier. The innovative 2in1 Filter combines two filters in a single solution, eliminating waste of time and energy. Easier to clean, it always guarantees excellent performance. Plus, two alarms let you know when it's time to clean the filter and heat exchanger. Dry in record time - Rapido 35' Get your favorite outfit dry and ready to wear in record time. With the Rapido 35' programme, you get up to 1 kg of dry laundry in just 35 minutes. Your favorite suit or shirt will always be ready when you decide. GENERAL Drying capacity 9 kg End of program buzzer Yes Consumption efficiency class A++ Noise Level 65 dB(A) Drying mode Heat pump Type of installation Free-standing Drying cycle progress display Yes Drying cycle time remaining display Yes Primary color White Annual energy consumption 258 Duration of the full load cotton program 210 Condensation efficiency class B Secondary color Black STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Display Yes Condensate container full indicator Yes Interior light Yes Basket material Steel PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Anti crease/Iron less Yes Cold air/Refresh cycle Yes Delayed departure up to 20 hours Quick Yes Delicate Yes Wool Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 85cm Width 60cm Weight without packaging 49 kg Depth 60cm WARRANTY 24 months


  • immagine-1-samsung-lavasciuga-a-caricamento-frontale-samsung-96-kg-1400-giri-serie-5000t-crystal-clean-wd90ta046be-classe-eb-ean-8806090762741

    Samsung Samsung Front Loading Washer Dryer 9/6 Kg 1400 rpm 5000t Series Crystal Clean Wd90ta046be Class E/B

    Shipping times 3/5 working days SAMSUNG WASHER DRYER WD90TA046BE Series 5000T Crystal Clean Main features: -Max Capacity: 9+6 Kg - Eco-wash -AirWash -Diamond basket Unparalleled performance - Ecolavaggio® Ecolavaggio® technology ensures perfect laundry, even at low temperatures. The detergent is transformed into bubbles, which penetrate fabrics quickly and remove dirt easily, protecting materials and saving energy. Disinfect your clothes with air - Air Wash The Air Wash technology deodorises and disinfects your clothes to always have a pleasant fresh smell. Thanks to the heated air, unpleasant odors are removed and bacteria are eliminated by 99.9% without using hot water, detergents or expensive chemicals. Impeccable clean - Sanitizing steam When the sanitizing steam cycle is activated, a powerful jet of steam is emitted from the bottom of the drum which removes the most stubborn dirt and 99.9% of bacteria and allergens, for clean and sanitized laundry. Silent, performing and reliable - Digital Inverter technology The Digital Inverter motor uses solid magnets that allow you to obtain the desired results in a more silent and effective way, consuming less energy than the traditional motor. Thanks to the elimination of brushes, it ensures excellent durability. Eco Basket Cleaning+ - Keep the washing machine and gaskets always perfectly clean Eco Cleaning Cestello+ cleans the inside of the washing machine, eliminating 99.9% of the bacteria responsible for bad smells, without having to use aggressive chemical products. In addition, the friction generated by a powerful jet of water and the rapid spin remove dirt from the rubber seal of the door. The washing machine will remind you when it is necessary to carry out a new cleaning cycle. StayClean™ Drawer A strong jet of water, following the one that carries the detergent into the drum, automatically removes any residue of detergent or fabric softener from the detergent tray, leaving the drawer clean and sanitized. Intensive stain removal The practical Smacchia Tutto Plus technology helps to remove even the most stubborn stains. Add a soaking phase to your favorite programs by simply pressing a button and let the Eco Bubbles penetrate the fibers of your garments removing the toughest stains. GENERAL Drying capacity 6 kg Annual energy consumption 337 Annual water consumption 30,000 Airborne noise emission 72 Pre-2020 fuel efficiency class A Spin Speed ​​1,400 RPM Efficiency class Centrifuge B Washing capacity 9 kg Washing efficiency class B View program progress Yes Display of time remaining to the end of the program Yes Type of installation Freestanding Energy efficiency class (AG) full duty cycle E Energy efficiency class (AG) full duty cycle E Energy efficiency class (AG) washing cycle B Energy efficiency class (AG) washing cycle B Weighted energy consumption full operating cycles 377 Weighted energy consumption per 100 wash cycles 57 Weighted water consumption per wash cycle 50 Weighted water consumption per complete operating cycle 90 Maximum load capacity for full duty cycle 6 Maximum load capacity per wash cycle 9 Duration of full operation at full load 471 Eco mode duration 40-60 at full load 222 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Primary color White Display Yes TYPE OF SAFETY SYSTEMS Foam Control Yes Anti-flooding security Yes SOLUTIONS Smart home No SMART HOMES Amazon Alexa compatibility No Compatibility Apple Homekit No Google Home compatibility No IFTTT Compatibility No Compatibility Samsung SmartThings No PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Steam Yes Quilts/Duvets Cycle No Delicate Yes Wool No Hand wash Yes Half Load No Mixed Yes Express/Daily Yes Spin adjustment and exclusion Yes Temperature regulation and exclusion Yes Hard dirt Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 85cm Width 60cm Depth 65cm Weight without packaging 66 kg


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