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Elettrodomestici - CaldaieMurali

Scopri la nostra gamma di elettrodomestici innovativi e di alta qualità, progettati per rendere la tua vita quotidiana più semplice e piacevole. Dalla cucina alla pulizia della casa, troverai la soluzione perfetta per ogni tua esigenza.

29 products

  • immagine-1-candy-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-candy-10-kg-ro14104dwmst1-s-classe-a-a85xl60xp58-1400-giri-funzione-vapore-motore-speed-drive-inverter-wi-fi-ble-ean-8059019044811

    Candy Lavatrice A Carica Frontale Candy 10 Kg RO14104DWMST/1-S Classe A (A85xL60xP58) 1400 Giri Funzione vapore Motore Speed-Drive Inverter Wi-Fi + BLE

    Descrizione CANDY LAVATRICE RO14104DWMST/1-S Lavatrice a carica frontale Rapido Liberamente installabile Capacità di carico: 10 kg Velocità centrifuga: 1400 RPM Classe energetica: A Colore: Bianco Programmi: 16 Controllo remoto avanzato e contenuti extra (Wi-Fi + BLE) Dimensioni (L x P x A): 60x58x85 cm Risparmio energetico Conforme alla Nuova Etichetta Energetica Consumo energetico per 100 cicli di lavaggio: 51 kWh Consumo di acqua per ciclo di lavaggio: 51 lt Classe efficacia centrifuga: B Meno tempo per lo stiro Funzione vapore per ridurre i tempi di stiratura Opzione Steam per capi più rilassati e meno stiro Punti Forza Funzione vapore Funzione Snap&Wash Programmi rapidi Motore Speed-Drive Inverter Tecnologia Quick&Clean Igiene quotidiana Massimo comfort Classe A App hOn Caratteristiche Generali Tipo di installazione: Libera Installazione Classe efficienza energetica: A Consumo energia per 100 cicli di lavaggio: 51 kWh Consumo di acqua per ciclo di lavaggio: 51 lt Durata programma Eco 40°-60°: 239 min Classe efficacia Centrifuga: B Capacità lavaggio: 10 kg Velocità Centrifuga: 1400 RPM Emissione rumore aereo centrifuga: 76 dB(A) Caratteristiche Strutturali Display: Sì Colore: Bianco Materiale Vasca: Acciaio Programmi/Funzioni/Opzioni Sporco Difficile/Intensivo: Sì Mezzo carico/Bilanciamento automatico del carico: Sì Delicati: Sì Lana: Sì Misti: Sì Trapunte/Piumoni: Sì Rapido/Giornaliero: Sì A vapore: No Regolazione ed esclusione centrifuga: Sì Tipologia Sistemi di Sicurezza Sicurezza Antiallagamento: Sì Controllo Schiuma: Sì Soluzioni Smart home: Sì Dimensioni e Peso Altezza: 85 cm Larghezza: 60 cm Profondità: 58 cm Peso senza imballo: 66 kg Garanzia Garanzia: 12 mesi Garanzia End User: 12 mesi


  • immagine-1-candy-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-candy-rapido-ro14126dwmst-s-12-kg-classe-a-a85xl60xp67-1400-giri-wi-fible-funzione-vapore-ean-8059019044385

    Candy Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Candy RapidÓ RO14126DWMST-S 12 Kg Classe A (A85xL60xP67) 1400 Giri Wi-Fi+BLE Funzione vapore

    RO14126DWMST-SLavatrice a carica frontale RapidÓ Libera installazione, 12 kg, 1400 RPM, Classe A, Bianco, 16 programmi, Controllo remoto avanzato e contenuti extra (Wi-Fi + BLE), L x P x A (cm) 60x67x85 Candy RapidÓ: il modo più semplice per risparmiare tempo Funzione vapore Funzione Snap&Wash Programmi rapidi Motore Speed-Drive Inverter Tecnologia Quick&Clean Igiene quotidiana Massimo comfort App hOn RapidÓ Candy RapidÓ è il modo migliore per risparmiare tempo. Grazie al set completo di 9 programmi rapidi, RapidÓ ti aiuta a risparmiare tempo ogni giorno così da poterti dedicare alle cose che ami di più, rendendo più semplice la tua vita.Meno tempo per lo stiro Lo sapevi che con l'opzione Steam puoi ridurre i tempi di stiratura? Attivando questa speciale funzione, le fibre dei tuoi capi risulteranno più rilassate, proprio come te.   Trova subito il programma giusto Usando il tuo smartphone potrai scoprire quale ciclo di lavaggio si adatta maggiormente alla tipologia dei tessuti e dei colori del tuo bucato. Grazie all'esclusiva funzione Snap&Wash della lavatrice Candy RapidÓ, ti basterà scattare una foto del cesto del tuo bucato e la tua lavatrice ti suggerirà il programma rapido più adatto, con la giusta temperatura e centrifuga.   Esperienza di lavaggio più smart con l'app hOn Preparati a rivoluzionare la tua vita con l'app hOn. Come? Ti permette di scegliere tra più di 60 cicli per soddisfare ogni tua esigenza di bucato e ti dà consigli utili sul dosaggio di detersivo, colori o tessuti specifici, macchie ostinate, manutenzione e molto altro. Inoltre, ti consente di consultare il livello di efficienza di ciascun programma di lavaggio in modo da poter scegliere quelli più efficienti. Ma non solo: puoi controllare lo stato di manutenzione del tuo elettrodomestico per prevenire malfunzionamenti e prolungarne la vita, assicurandoti prestazioni ottime per gli anni a venire. Puoi fare tutto questo, gestendo la tua lavatrice direttamente dal tuo smartphone (anche quando non sei a casa), grazie all'app hOn e al conseguente controllo remoto degli elettrodomestici.   Risparmia tempo Scegli tra i 9 programmi rapidi ed efficienti. In meno di 1 ora (14', 29', 30', 39', 44', 59') otterrai i migliori risultati grazie allo Speed Drive Motor, che migliora l'azione di pulizia fino al 50% in più rispetto ai motori tradizionali.Risparmia tempo ottenendo risultati perfetti Speed-Drive Inverter è un motore brushless innovativo e durevole. È in grado di aumentare la performance di pulizia della lavatrice a libera installazione Candy fino al 50% (rispetto a un motore standard universale), riducendo il consumo di energia e le vibrazioni.   Igiene perfetta L'esclusiva tecnologia Quick&Clean, della lavatrice a carica frontale Candy, miscela acqua e detergente in un'unica soluzione altamente concentrata. Il dispositivo la spruzza all'interno del cestello con un getto ad alta pressione, che penetra nei tessuti fibra per fibra. Questa nuova tecnologia aumenta il potere lavante del detergente, permettendo di abbassare le consuete temperature di lavaggio: lavare a 20° con la stessa performance di 40°, a 40° con il medesimo risultato di 60°, a 60° gradi rimuovendo anche lo sporco più difficile.   Massima igiene in meno di un'ora Con la lavatrice Candy potrai scegliere il programma rapido Igiene Plus 59' per una perfetta igiene e una pulizia profonda dei tuoi vestiti. A 60° in soli 59 minuti, questo programma garantisce la protezione dei tuoi vestiti da allergeni, germi e batteri e da altri fattori che possono avere un impatto sulla salute di tutta la tua famiglia.Comfort senza precedenti Il nuovo design ergonomico dell'oblò di RapidÓ, più alto e capiente, renderà più semplice e veloce il carico e lo scarico del tuo bucato.   DIMENSIONI Altezza 85 cm Larghezza 60 cm Profondità 67 cm


  • immagine-1-lavatrice-a-carico-frontale-hoover-h-wash-500-10-kg-hwe-410ambs1-s-classe-a-a85xl60xp59-1400-giri-motore-inverter-e-funzione-vapore-hwe410ambs-ean-8059019002125

    . Lavatrice a Carico Frontale Hoover H-WASH 500 10 Kg HWE 410AMBS/1-S Classe A (A85xL60xP59) 1400 Giri Motore Inverter e Funzione Vapore HWE410AMBS

    H-WASH 500 è la lavatrice estremamente robusta e affidabile che garantisce risultati eccezionali, un'eccellente cura delle fibre e una durata maggiore, grazie al motore inverter Eco-Power.   MASSIMA EFFICIENZA IN CLASSE A Conforme alla nuova Etichetta Energetica, questa lavatrice Hoover in classe A riduce i consumi a partire dal 51% rispetto ad una classe G e ti permette di risparmiare energia e rispettare l'ambiente.   MOTORE INVERTER ECO-POWER H-WASH 500 è stata progettata con il motore inverter Eco-Power di nuova generazione, la tecnologia più duratura e potente disponibile sul mercato.   SCANSIONE DI ETICHETTE E GUARDAROBA VIRTUALE Dimentica le etichette dei vestiti! L'esclusiva funzione Scan to Care, disponibile tramite l'app hOn, consente di creare il tuo guardaroba virtuale. Basta scattare una foto del tuo capo, l'App raccoglierà e memorizzerà tutte le istruzioni di lavaggio dei tuoi vestiti, suggerendo il programma specifico e il trattamento per prenderti cura di loro.   TUTTI I VANTAGGI DI ESSERE CONNESSI Migliora le tue prestazioni di lavaggio con la nuova App hOn e accedi a un mondo di contenuti extra esclusivi: Controlla lo stato della tua lavatrice da remoto e ricevi una notifica di fine ciclo per non dimenticare mai il bucato. Ottieni più di 40 cicli aggiuntivi per occuparti di specifici indumenti o tessuti. Ricevi aggiornamenti di manutenzione programmati e promemoria per preservare l'affidabilità della tua lavatrice. Ottieni suggerimenti sulle impostazioni di detersivo per il tuo carico. Sarai in grado di ottimizzare i risultati di lavaggio e ridurre gli sprechi. Ottieni dati di consumo in tempo reale durante i cicli di lavaggio e monitora le tue abitudini di utilizzo per migliorare l'efficienza. Accedi ad utili guide alle macchie con oltre 50 consigli per trattare al meglio i tuoi vestiti.   SISTEMA POWER CARE È una tecnologia che crea il perfetto mix di acqua e detergente e lo inietta direttamente all'interno del cestello in modo che penetri nelle fibre garantendo il 20% di forza pulente in più.   MASSIMA EFFICENZA La nuova H-WASH 500, grazie al suo motore, è più sensibile: adatta l'azione del lavaggio al carico garantendo i migliori risultati e il 60% di efficienza in più.   PROGRAMMA AUTO CARE H-WASH 500 è stata progettata con un algoritmo avanzato che calcola e imposta automaticamente il programma più adatto al tuo bucato, dosando acqua e tempo a seconda delle fibre e del carico, garantendo una migliore efficienza senza sprechi.   TECNOLOGIA ACTIVE BALANCE La tecnologia Active Balance consente di ottenere sempre i migliori risultati, riducendo i tempi di lavaggio e le vibrazioni, grazie all'ottimizzazione dei movimenti del cestello.   CICLO DI LAVAGGIO A 60° PER PULIZIE PROFONDE Il programma Hygiene della lavatrice Hoover è uno specifico ciclo di lavaggio igienizzante che mantiene i 60° C di temperatura per oltre 20 minuti, consentendo una pulizia profonda di vestiti e indumenti.


  • immagine-1-lavatrice-a-carico-frontale-lg-105-kg-ai-dd-serie-v3-f4wv310sae-classe-a-a85xl60xp565-1400-giri-lavaggio-a-vapore-inverter-direct-drive-ean-8806091725974

    . Lavatrice a Carico Frontale LG 10,5 Kg AI DD Serie V3 F4WV310SAE Classe A (A85xL60xP56,5) 1400 Giri Lavaggio a vapore-Inverter Direct Drive

    LAVATRICE LG F4WV310SAELG Lavatrice Standard AI DD™ 10.5 kg Classe energetica A Lavaggio a vaporeCaratteristiche principali:-AI DD™-Steam™-Wi-Fi con SmartThinQ™-Motore Inverter Direct Drive™ garantito 10 AnniEfficienza energetica - Leader nell'efficienza energeticaCon la tecnologia TurboWash™ 360 raggiungi la classe energetica A, la più efficiente secondo la scala energetica UE (da A a G).AI DD™ - Lavaggi intelligenti, 18% in più cura dei tessutiGrazie a 20.000 combinazioni di lavaggio possibili, AI DD™ è in grado di scegliere il lavaggio perfetto per prendersi sempre la massima cura del tuo bucato.Cos’è AI DD™?AI DD™ non si limita a rilevare il peso, ma identifica anche la tipologia di tessuti e sceglie autonomamente i movimenti ottimali per ogni lavaggio.Steam™ - Allergy careLa tecnologia LG Steam™ elimina il 99,9% degli allergeni responsabili di allergie e problemi respiratori. 


  • immagine-1-candy-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-10-kg-candy-rapido-ro14104dwmse1-s-1400-giri-classe-a-a85xl60xp58-funzione-vapore-wi-fible-snapwash-ean-8059019008967

    . Front Loading Washing Machine 10 Kg Candy Rapidó Ro14104dwmse/1-S 1400 Rpm Class A (A85xl60xp58) Steam Function Wi-Fi+Ble Snap&Wash

    Characteristics Specifications Product Name / Commercial Code RO14104DWMSE/1-S Product code 31010372 EAN code 8059019008967 Type of installation Free installation Upload type Front Load capacity (kg) 10 Maximum spin speed (RPM) 1400 Connectivity Advanced remote control and extra content (Wi-Fi + BLE) IoT App simply-Fi Motor BPM inverters Basket volume 62 Basket material Stainless steel Plug type Schuko Voltage (V) 220-240 Number of programs 16 Delayed start Yes (up to 24 hours) Technology Mix Power System Steam Yes Color White Porthole colour White Color/handle material White Energy efficiency class TO Centrifugal efficiency class b Weighted energy consumption (100 cycles, Eco 40-60) 51 Nominal capacity program duration 3:59 Noise in centrifuge 78 Sound emission class c Water consumption 51 Product height (cm) 85 Product width (cm) 60 Product depth (cm) 58 Height of packed product (mm) 890 Width of packed product (mm) 650 Depth of packed product (mm) 600 Gross weight (kg) 68 Net weight (kg) 66 Quick&Clean Yes Snap&Wash Yes Remote control Yes Speed-Drive Inverter motor Yes Voice control Yes Maximum comfort Yes Steam function Yes Daily hygiene Yes Quick programs Yes Smart Candy believes in the importance of enjoying life, this is why the new range of washing machines has been created, to wash your clothes easily and in a smart way, making your day easier. This way you can have more time for yourself and for what you love the most. Let Candy help you daily - the results will be fantastic. Comfort and ease of use: no more excessive effort and waste of time, energy and money. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the height of the porthole: you no longer have to strain your back to load the laundry. Candy Smart washing machines are also connected appliances: you get benefits from NFC connectivity that helps you improve your washing experience, simply and directly from your smartphone. Reduce waste Our washing machines minimize the amount of electricity used, reducing waste. The weight sensor recognizes the size of the load and automatically adjusts the amount of water and electricity used. With our machines, a half load requires up to 40% less water, time and electricity! Save time with quick programs The perfect combination of tempo and performance. Candy washing machines allow you to choose between four cycles lasting less than an hour, and effectiveness is guaranteed. Extend the life of your washing machine Do you want to extend the life of your washing machine? This function allows you to always have the status of the appliance under control and receive practical advice to solve any problems yourself. Enhance your washing experience Smart Touch is Candy's "proximity" connectivity technology. Depending on the product, he can enrich it with additional functions, give you useful advice on the most efficient use of your appliance and guide you in solving problems, directly from your smartphone. *Interaction with the product is only enabled by Android smartphones equipped with compatible NFC technology.


  • immagine-1-samsung-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-samsung-9-kg-ww90t734dwh-1400-giri-classe-a-ean-8806090608117

    . Samsung Front Loading Washing Machine 9 Kg Ww90t734dwh 1400 Rpm Class A

    SAMSUNG FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE 9 KG WW90T34DWH 1400 RPM CLASS A Main features: -Max Capacity: 9 Kg -Ai Controls -Turbo+ - Sanitizing steam Unparalleled performance - Ecolavaggio® Ecolavaggio® technology ensures perfect laundry, even at low temperatures. The detergent is transformed into bubbles, which penetrate fabrics quickly and remove dirt easily, protecting materials and saving energy. You choose when to use the Turbo - Superfast: clean laundry in just 39 minutes, with top performance Stop spending hours doing the laundry: with the ingenious Turbo + function, the washing time is reduced by up to 39 minutes. Thanks to the accelerated washing phase, the detergent is premixed with air bubbles, creating an active foam that acts from the first minute of washing. Thanks to the dynamic rotation of the basket and the intensification of the water jets resulting from the Turbo + technology, the detergent produces even more bubbles, which effectively penetrate the fabrics to remove the stains quickly but delicately. Even the rinsing phase is faster and more effective, thanks to a powerful jet of water that rinses the clothes evenly, reaching any point of the drum. Learn from your habits Ai Weather With Ai Weather the dryer optimizes every wash. It suggests the ideal drying program based on the type of load and the external climatic conditions. Smart Links Washer and dryer always connected. The washing machine communicates with the dryer by directly setting the ideal drying program based on the washing cycle that has just ended. Did the Cotton washing program just end? AI control connects directly to the dryer and sets the ideal drying program (Cotton). Ai Communications Always stay up to date. It suggests actions for you to perform maintenance and resolve errors. Updates you on the progress of each wash cycle. Perfect dosage, without waste - Ecodosatore Get exceptional washing results, without waste and effort. Ecodoser, thanks to an integrated system of sensors (Water, Weight and Detergent) calculates the quantity of detergent and softener tailored to each load. Fill the dispenser and get up to a month of washing in complete autonomy, forgetting to fill the tank at each washing cycle. Quick Ecolavaggio® - Perfect laundry in just 39 minutes Quick Ecolavaggio® reduces everyday washing times by 34% to make it last just 39 minutes. QuickDrive™ saves time, because it moves the garments dynamically, while Ecolavaggio® guarantees exceptional cleaning. Rinsing times are also reduced thanks to Speed ​​Spray, the BubbleCARE basket and a higher spin speed. Impeccable clean - Sanitizing steam When the sanitizing steam cycle is activated, a powerful jet of steam is emitted from the bottom of the drum which removes the most stubborn dirt and 99.9% of bacteria and allergens, for clean and sanitized laundry. Silent, performing and reliable - Digital Inverter technology The Digital Inverter motor uses solid magnets that allow you to obtain the desired results in a more silent and effective way, consuming less energy than the traditional motor. Eco Drum Cleaning - Keep the washing machine and gaskets always perfectly clean Eco Cleaning Basket cleans the inside of the washing machine, eliminating 99.9% of the bacteria responsible for bad smells, without having to use aggressive chemical products. In addition, the friction generated by a powerful jet of water and the rapid spin remove dirt from the rubber seal of the door. The washing machine will remind you when it is necessary to carry out a new cleaning cycle. Intensive stain removal - The practical Smacchia Tutto Plus technology helps to remove even the most stubborn stains Add a soaking phase to your favorite programs by simply pressing a button and let the Eco Bubbles penetrate the fibers of your garments removing the toughest stains Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-electrolux-forno-elettrico-ventilato-ad-incasso-electrolux-eoh2h00bx-58-litri-classe-energetica-a-60-cm-serie-300-aquaclean-anti-impronta-inox-ean-7332543819904

    Electrolux Electrolux Built-in Electric Fan Oven Eoh2h00bx 58 Liters Energy Class A 60 Cm Series 300 Aquaclean Anti-fingerprint Inox

    Characteristic Specific Number of ovens 1 Oven size Average Oven type Electric oven Total internal oven capacity 58 L Total power of the oven 2090W Net capacity of the oven 58 L Grill Yes Convection cooking Yes Microwave cooking No Steaming No Oven defrost function Yes Self-cleaning Yes Oven thermostat range 50 - 250°C Cleaning technology AquaClean Positioning of the appliance Recessed Product color Stainless steel Control type Knob Built-in display No Door hinge Down Removable glass door Yes Number of grids 1 Timer type Digital Energy efficiency class TO Energy consumption (conventional) 0.89 kWh Energy consumption (forced convection) 0.75 kWh Energy efficiency scale From A+++ to D Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) 94.9 Interior light Yes Lamp type Halogen Compartment width 56cms Compartment depth 55cm Compartment height 59cms Length 594mm Depth 560mm Height 590mm Weight 26.4kg Compartment height (minimum) 57.8cm Packaging width 635mm Packaging depth 670mm Packing height 654mm Packing weight 27.6kg Baking tray Yes Number of baking trays 1 Grill included Yes ELECTROLUX OVEN EOH2H00BX 300 Series Multifunction Oven. Our 300 convection oven heats up faster than traditional ovens. Now you can bake perfect cookies without having to turn them halfway through baking. Uniform, quick and fast cooking thanks to the internal fan This oven circulates the heat inside it evenly, ensuring perfect cooking of all dishes in all points. Our technology heats the oven faster, saving you time and energy. Easy cleaning with AquaClean Cleaning up after cooking doesn't have to be tiring: our oven cleans itself using the power of humidity. AquaClean evaporates the water in the bottom of the oven and the steam dissolves stubborn grease and residues left on its surfaces. Perfect browning with the grill From crispy bacon to golden mozzarella, get more out of the grill cooking method. Perfect for crispy chicken wings or melt-in-your-mouth cheeses. Oven light for total visibility With well-placed lighting inside the oven, you always know when your preparations are cooked to perfection. Removable glass door, for even easier cleaning Thanks to the removable door, there are no more obstacles to thorough cleaning of the oven. The door and internal glass, easy to remove, can be cleaned separately so as to be able to reach every corner of the oven. Less time, less effort, less mess.


  • immagine-1-smeg-forno-elettrico-da-incasso-termoventilato-70-litri-smeg-sf64m3tvx-silver-axlxp-60x60x55-vapor-clean-vapore-assistito-classe-a-ean-8017709265786

    Smeg Smeg Sf64m3tvx Silver Hxlxp (60x60x55) Electric Built-in Thermoventilated Electric Oven 70 Liters Vapor Clean Assisted Steam Class A

    The Smeg SF64M3TVX 70-litre thermoventilated built-in electric oven is ideal for those looking for a high-quality oven that has a large capacity and numerous cooking functions. Thanks to the assisted steam, cooking is uniform and delicate, while the energy class A ensures reduced electricity consumption. The type of built-in installation makes it perfect for those who want an integrated oven in their kitchen, without compromising the style and harmony of the environment. The minimum width of the compartment required to install it is 56.4 cm, while the depth of the compartment is 56 cm. The Smeg SF64M3TVX oven is equipped with 3 standard knobs for turning on, regulating and programming the various cooking functions. Among these, you can find 8 different cooking combinations, to adapt to any type of dish. Furthermore, thanks to the Vapor Clean function, cleaning the oven is quick and easy. The tangential cooling system, together with the door with three removable glasses, guarantees maximum safety during use. The Smeg SF64M3TVX electric oven is available with delivery to the floor and installation, to ensure greater convenience for the buyer. Plus, you can choose to extend your product warranty by an additional 3 years for added peace of mind. Finally, thanks to its 3000 W power, this Smeg electric oven is capable of reaching a maximum temperature of 250°C and managing all the available cooking functions in the best possible way. The modern design, with the anti-fingerprint satin stainless steel finish, makes the Smeg SF64M3TVX oven an element of great aesthetic value for your kitchen. Don't hesitate, buy your new Smeg SF64M3TVX 70 L Electric Built-in Thermoventilated Electric Oven now! Characteristic Description Typology Electric Thermo Ventilated Type of installation Recessed Oven net capacity 70 liters Consumption efficiency class TO Primary color Inox Secondary color Black Power 3,000W Maximum temperature 250°C Type of ignition/commands Electro-Mechanics Primary color tone Inox Product height 59.2cm Maximum compartment height 58.5cm Minimum compartment height 58.5cm Product width 59.7cm Maximum compartment width 56.4cm Minimum compartment width 56.4cm Product depth 54.8cm Compartment depth 56cms Product weight 33.4 kg Timer Yes Type Knobs 3 standard knobs Display No Oven light Yes Cold Door System Yes Tangential cooling ventilation Yes Number of grids 2 Number of trays/drip pans 0 Other accessories Grid with stop Pizza function No Grill + Ventilation Yes Microwave No No. of cooking combinations 8 Leavening No Fast heating Yes Thawing Yes Vapor Clean Yes Echo Yes Smart homes No


  • immagine-1-candy-forno-elettrico-da-incasso-candy-71-litri-fcs201ne-classe-a-ean-8016361932043

    Candy Candy Built-in Electric Oven 71 Liters FCS201N/E Class A

    CANDY BUILT-IN OVEN FCS201N/E Overview Candy FCS 201 N. Oven size: Medium, Oven type: Electric oven, Total oven(s) interior capacity: 71 L. Color of product: Black, Control type: Rotary, Control position: Front. Energy efficiency class: A, Energy consumption (conventional): 0.87 kWh, Connected load: 2100 W. Width: 595 mm, Depth: 567 mm, Height: 595 mm ENJOY ESSENTIAL DESIGN An essential design that adapts perfectly to the style of any kitchen. EASY TO CLEAN The new internal glass door reaches an average temperature of only 55°C even though the oven inside has reached 200°C. Furthermore, the glass surface is quick and easy to clean as it has no visible screws. MAXIMUM STABILITY DURING COOKING The new design and new shape of the anti-tipping grids allow perfect stability during cooking, even when you take the dishes out of the oven. Characteristics Number of ovens 1 Oven size Medium Oven type Electric oven Total internal oven capacity 71 L Oven net capacity 71 L Bottom heating Yes Heating from above and below Yes Oven thermostat range 50 - 240 °C Grill Yes Convection cooking No Microwave cooking No Steam cooking No Conventional cuisine Yes Maximum temperature (conventional) 240 °C Rotisserie No Defrost function No Heating function No Keep warm function No Design Product color Black Type of control Knob Front control position Built-in display No Door hinge Bottom Number of glass panels 2 Door material Stainless steel/Glass Number of grids 2 Drip Yes Interior light Yes Energy management Energy efficiency class A Connection load 2100 W AC input frequency 50Hz Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) 105.7 Energy consumption (conventional) 0.87 kWh Dimensions Width 595mm Depth 567mm Height 595mm Weight 27kg Compartment width 56cm Compartment depth 56cm Compartment height 59cm Packing weight 29kg Warranty 12 months


  • Last stock! immagine-1-bosch-forno-elettrico-da-incasso-66-litri-bosch-hbf011br0-classe-a-ean-4242005046911

    Bosch Bosch Hbf011br0 Class A Built-in Electric Oven 66 Liters

      OVEN BOSCH HBF011BR0 Series 2 Built-in oven 60cm Steel. HotAir 3D cooking: perfect cooking results thanks to the homogeneous distribution of the air inside the cavity, which allows you to cook up to 3 levels at the same time. Uniform cooking - up to 3 levels This function allows for rapid and uniform heat distribution inside the oven, making it possible to cook simultaneously on three levels. Sweet and savory dishes can be cooked at the same time without mixing the flavours. GENERAL Oven net capacity 66 lt Consumption efficiency class A Primary color stainless steel Secondary color Gray Power 3,300W Cooking surface area 1,350 cm2 Maximum temperature 275°C Type Electric Thermo Ventilated Ignition type Mechanical STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Timer Yes Display No Oven light Yes Type Standard Knobs PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS Pizza function No Grill + Ventilation Yes Microwave No No. of cooking combinations 5 Pastry (static + ventilation) No Fast heating Yes Thaw No SAFETY Cold Door System Yes Gas safety valve Yes Tangential cooling ventilation Yes ACCESSORIES Rotisserie No Number of grids 1 Number of trays 1 Other accessories 1 grill + 1 dripping pan DIMENSIONS Product height 59.5 cm Maximum compartment height 59.7 cm Minimum compartment height 57.5 cm Product width 59.4 cm Maximum compartment width 56.8 cm Minimum compartment width 56 cm Product depth 54.8 cm Compartment depth 55 cm Product weight 32.2 kg WARRANTY 24 months


  • immagine-1-candy-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-candy-7-kg-rapido-ro4-1274dwme1-s-1200-giri-classe-a-ean-8059019008851

    Candy Front Loading Washing Machine Candy 7 Kg Rapido Ro4 1274dwme/1-S 1200 Rpm Class A

    CASH ON DELIVERY IS NOT PROVIDED FOR THIS PRODUCT RAPID RO4 WASHING MACHINE 1274DWME/1-S  Smart Candy believes in the importance of enjoying life, this is why the new range of washing machines has been created, to wash your clothes easily and in a smart way, making your day easier. This way you can have more time for yourself and for what you love the most. Let Candy help you daily - the results will be fantastic. Comfort and ease of use: no more excessive effort and waste of time, energy and money. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the height of the porthole: you no longer have to strain your back to load the laundry. Candy Smart washing machines are also connected appliances: you get benefits from NFC connectivity that helps you improve your washing experience, simply and directly from your smartphone. Reduce waste Our washing machines minimize the amount of electricity used, reducing waste. The weight sensor recognizes the size of the load and automatically adjusts the amount of water and electricity used. With our machines, a half load requires up to 40% less water, time and electricity! Save time with quick programs The perfect combination of tempo and performance. Candy washing machines allow you to choose between four cycles lasting less than an hour, and effectiveness is guaranteed. Extend the life of your washing machine Do you want to extend the life of your washing machine? This function allows you to always have the status of the appliance under control and receive practical advice to solve any problems yourself. Enhance your washing experience Smart Touch is Candy's "proximity" connectivity technology. Depending on the product, he can enrich it with additional functions, give you useful advice on the most efficient use of your appliance and guide you in solving problems, directly from your smartphone. *Interaction with the product is only enabled by Android smartphones equipped with compatible NFC technology. GENERAL Drying capacity 0 kg Airborne noise emission 74 Spin Speed ​​1,200 RPM Efficiency class Centrifuge A Washing capacity 7 kg Type of installation Freestanding PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Steam No Quilts/Duvets Cycle No Delicate Yes Wool Yes Half Load No Mixed Yes Express/Daily No Spin adjustment and exclusion No Temperature regulation and exclusion No Difficult dirt No TYPE OF SAFETY SYSTEMS Foam Control Yes Anti-flooding security Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 85cm Width 60cm Depth 40cm Weight without packaging 62 kg WARRANTY 24 months


  • immagine-1-hisense-lavatrice-a-carica-frontale-7-kg-hisense-wfge701439vm-1400-giri-classe-a-a85xl60xp545-steam-mix-baby-care-hygiene-guard-funzione-vapore-ean-3838782564611

    Samsung Front Loading Washing Machine 7 Kg Hisense Wfge701439vm 1400 Rpm Class A (A85xl60xp54,5) Steam Mix Baby Care + Hygiene Guard Steam Function

    Characteristic Specific Energy efficiency class TO Energy consumption for 100 cycles 45 kWh Water consumption per cycle 45 liters Eco program duration 40°-60° 181 mins Efficacy class Washing TO Efficacy class Centrifugal b Washing capacity 7kg Centrifugal speed 1,400RPM Centrifugal airborne noise emission 76 Type of installation Free Installation Progress display Yes Remaining time display Yes Motor Inverters Steam function Steam Mix, Allergy Steam Baby Care + Hygiene programme Yes End of programme Yes Quick function Quicker Wash Noise level Silent operation thanks to the Inverter motor Lifetime of the washing machine Longer life thanks to the Inverter motor HISENSE WASHING MACHINE WFGE701439VM Main features: - Energy class A -7kg -1400 rounds -Inverter motor -Steam function Steam Mix - Perfectly Soft and Clean Clothes Clothes free from bacteria and creases. Using the action of the steam at the end of the washing cycle you will obtain an even more thorough cleaning of the garments which will also be softened thanks to the steam itself, without the addition of the fabric softener. ALLERGY STEAM Removes up to 99.9% of bacteria, most allergens such as dust mites and pet dander, and dramatically reduces wrinkles. Runs at higher temperatures, followed by several rinses to make sure you remove as much cleaner as possible. BABY CARE + HYGIENE GUARD This program is specially designed for children's clothing, including sheets, dresses and blankets. The special SuperHygiene compartment in the pre-wash compartment carefully manages the dosage of the disinfectant in the drum, so its distribution is always optimal throughout the cycle. Inverter Motor - SILENT AND EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE Lower energy consumption, longer life of the washing machine and silent operation. This powerful brushless motor with the new generation of electronics is extremely efficient and provides better cleaning effects, saves energy and produces less noise. Furthermore, by rotating faster, it guarantees better washing results. End of Program - ORGANIZE YOUR TIMES The programmed end button allows you to set the time at which the wash cycle will end (up to 24 hours, in 30 minute increments up to a total of 6 hours and then in 1 hour increments up to a total of 24) . In this way you will be sure not to leave too much clothes inside the washing machine once the washing cycle is finished, thus avoiding the formation of wrinkles and bacteria. Quick - THE FUNCTION THAT SHORTENS THE TIMES This super handy new Quicker Wash feature shortens every program on the menu. Even the Power Wash program, which normally takes 59 minutes. With the Quick Wash function activated it takes only 32 minutes. Saves time and money and does not affect washing efficiency.


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