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Wall Boilers

Caldaie Murali - CaldaieMurali
Reliable heating with wall mounted boilers. Compact design, energy efficiency and optimal performance for the comfort of your home. Choose from a wide range of wall mounted boilers and secure an efficient and affordable heating system. Buy your wall mounted boiler today!

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  • immagine-1-baxi-area-occasioni-caldaia-baxi-duo-tec-compact-e-24-kw-a-condensazione-low-nox-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-metano-o-gpl

    BAXI AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW a condensazione low NOx completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o Gpl

     ATTENZIONE  LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. FUNZIONAMENTO A GPL TRAMITE REGOLAZIONE DA PARTE DEL CENTRO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO. PER INFO, CONTATTARE PREVENTIVAMENTE L'ASSISTENZA BAXI. ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: VITE NON DI SERIE SULLA PARTE SUPERIORE AMMACCATURA LATERALE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caldaia Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW a condensazione low NOx completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o Gpl Caratteristiche Tecniche Classe di efficienza energetica ErP (risc e ACS): A  Profilo di carico: XL Portata termica nominale sanitario kW 24,7 Portata termica nominale riscaldamento kW 20,6 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente ŋs % 93 Emissioni di ossidi di azoto NOx mg/kWh 15 Temperatura minima di funzionamento °C -5 Capacità vaso espansione l 7 Regolazione temperatura acqua circuito riscaldamento °C 25-80 Produzione acqua sanitaria ∆T 25°C (1) l/min 13,8 Portata minima acqua circuito sanitario l/min 2 Dimensioni (hxlxp) mm 700x400x299 Grado di protezione IPX5D Gamma DUO-TEC COMPACT E  Nuovo design: cambia l’estetica, non le prestazioni. Luna Duo-tec E e Duo-tec Compact E: le già note caldaie Baxi si presentano oggi con una nuova estetica, sempre più moderna ed attenta alle nuove tendenze di design, che ne consente l’inserimento in qualsiasi contesto abitativo. Anche il pannello comandi è stato completamente rinnovato ed è dotato di un nuovo display LCD retroilluminato ancora più chiaro e semplice da usare grazie a tasti dedicati ed indipendenti. Le nuove caldaie, ancora più belle e moderne grazie al restyling, mantengono comunque intatte le caratteristiche che da sempre hanno contraddistinto la gamma Duo-tec: Affidabilità. Robustezza, durabilità e affidabilità nelle prestazioni; Efficienza e risparmio. La riduzione dei cicli di accensione/spegnimento si traduce in notevoli benefici in termini di risparmio energetico e minori emissioni; Completezza di gamma. Modelli solo riscaldamento, con produzione istantanea ACS, e anche la versione compatta con possibilità di installazione all’esterno. La gamma si è ulteriormente arricchita con i nuovi modelli dotati DI SERIE del cronotermostato modulante con wi-fi integrato Baxi Mago La caldaia ideale per nuove costruzioni e per la sostituzione La gamma di caldaie a gas a condensazione Duo-tec E è stata specificatamente progettata rispettando i requisiti delle Direttive Ecodesign e Labelling, per renderla particolarmente adatta sia in caso di nuove costruzioni sia in sostituzione di un vecchio generatore. La classe energetica, identificata da una lettera, esprime un intervallo di valori di efficienza entro il quale risiede quello espresso dal prodotto in esame. L’etichetta nasce per il consumatore finale, in modo che, attraverso dati veri e comparabili, possa fare scelte consapevoli indirizzandosi su prodotti ad alta efficienza. Funzione preriscaldo scambiatore Le caldaie della gamma Duo-tec E sono dotate della funzione di preriscaldo dello scambiatore che garantisce la produzione immediata di acqua calda sanitaria alla temperatura comfort impostata. Infatti, l’acqua sanitaria passando attraverso le piastre dello scambiatore preriscaldato, viene erogata già alla temperatura desiderata senza tempi di attesa. La funzione può essere facilmente attivata/disattivata da un apposito parametro della caldaia Info caldaia Premendo il tasto dedicato , è possibile visualizzare numerose informazioni in merito al funzionamento della caldaia come ad esempio: pressione acqua impianto riscaldamento (trasduttore di pressione elettronico presente nel gruppo idraulico); temperatura di mandata/ritorno riscaldamento; temperatura esterna (con sonda esterna installata); temperatura acqua calda sanitaria. Efficienza e risparmio maggiore efficienza data da minori accensioni e spegnimenti: con un rapporto di modulazione elevato, la riduzione dei continui cicli di accensione/spegnimento comporta una significativa riduzione dei consumi (dell’8-10%) e una pari riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti; adeguamento della potenza termica prodotta alla potenza dissipata evitando quindi un eccessivo surriscaldamento/raffrescamento dei locali. Gas Adaptive Control È un innovativo sistema che, grazie ad una nuova elettronica di controllo e ad una nuova valvola a gas elettronica, garantisce un controllo automatico della combustione per mantenere costantemente i valori di massima efficienza. Vantaggi: non ci sono interventi manuali - ridotte misurazioni, tarature o cambio ugelli con questo sistema, la caldaia si auto adatta alla qualità del gas e alla lunghezza dei tubi di scarico fumi mantenendo costante il rendimento la caldaia inoltre si autoregola costantemente per mantenere i valori di massima efficienza favorendo una riduzione dei consumi di gas e generando meno inquinamento grazie al continuo controllo delle emissioni Installazione all’esterno Le caldaie Duo-tec Compact E possono essere installate all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti grazie al nuovo kit di copertura superiore e al kit di chiusura inferiore (disponibili come accessori). La gamma Duo-tec Compact E, infatti, è dotata DI SERIE di un sistema antigelo elettronico che garantisce il funzionamento fino alla temperatura di -5 °C: la protezione IPX5D, inoltre, tutela le parti elettriche da getti d’acqua che possono provenire da tutte le direzioni. Nuovo design moderno ed elegante per tutta la gamma Ampio campo di modulazione 1:7 maggiore efficienza e silenziosità GAC (gas adaptive control): controllo automatico della combustione Pannello comandi digitale con ampio display LCD retroilluminato Nuovo kit di copertura: possibilità di installazione all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti (accessorio a richiesta) Allacciamento tubo di scarico Ø50 mm rigido e flessibile: soluzione per risanamento canne fumarie - per il mod. 24 kW lunghezza totale 40 metri (aspirazione+scarico) Dimensioni compatte: 700x400x299 mm Sistema idraulico Valvola deviatrice a tre vie elettrica Bruciatore a premiscelazione in acciaio inox Scambiatore acqua/fumi in acciaio inox Scambiatore sanitario maggiorato in acciaio inox che permette alla caldaia di condensare anche in funzionamento sanitario Ventilatore modulante a variazione elettronica di velocità By-pass automatico Pompa di circolazione ad alta efficienza a modulazione totale Sistema antibloccaggio pompa e valvola a tre vie che interviene ogni 24 ore Valvola di sicurezza circuito riscaldamento a 3 bar Sistema di termoregolazione Regolazione climatica di serie (con sonda esterna disponibile come optional) Predisposizione per il collegamento ad un impianto a zone Sistema di controllo Termostato di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dello scambiatore acqua/fumi Pressostato idraulico che blocca il gas in caso di mancanza d’acqua Sonda NTC di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dei fumi Controllo temperature mediante sonde NTC Dispositivo antigelo totale Termometro elettronico Manometro circuito riscaldamento Garanzia Prodotto :  Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-baxi-offerta-caldaia-a-condensazione-baxi-prime-26-metano-gpl-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi


    BAXI PRIME 24 A CONDENSAZIONE COMPLETA DI KIT FUMI + KIT IDRAULICO GPL - NUOVO MODELLO ErP Classe di efficienza energetica ErP (risc e ACS): A - A Profilo di carico: XL Riscaldamento e produzione istantanea ACS Portata termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario kW 24,7/20,6 Potenza termica nominale sanitario kW 24 Rendimento energetico (92/42/CEE) **** Rendimento al 100% Pn (80-60°C): 97,8% Rendimento al 100% Pn (50-30°C): 108.6% Temperatura minima di funzionamento °C -5 Capacità vaso espansione/pre-carica l/bar 7/0,8 Regolazione temperatura acqua sanitaria °C 35-60 Produzione acqua sanitaria ∆T 25°C l/min 13,8 Portata minima acqua sanitaria I/min 2 Grado di protezione: IPX5D Classe NOx (EN 483) 5 Potenza elettrica W 84 Dimensioni (h x l x p): 700x395x279 mm ; 26 Kg Alimentazione:METANO o GPL BAXI PRIME La nuova gamma a condensazione Prime si articola in due modelli, 24 e 28 kW per riscaldamento e produzione istantanea acqua calda sanitaria. Prime è stata progettata rispettando i requisiti delle Direttive Ecodesign e Labelling. La direttiva sull’etichettatura (2010/30/UE) richiede di etichettare i prodotti secondo una scala energetica decrescente che va dalla A++ alla G a partire dal 26/09/2015 e dalla A+++ alla D dal 26/09/2019. L’etichetta nasce per consentire al consumatore finale, fornendo dati veri e comparabili, di fare scelte consapevoli indirizzandosi su prodotti ad alta efficienza.Caratteristiche: Facile utilizzo grazie al pannello di controllo dotato di manopole e display LCD retroilluminato Facile installazione grazie alle dimensioni ultracompatte (700x395x285mm - incluse manopole) e al peso contenuto (26 kg) Campo di modulazione 1:5 maggiore efficienza e silenziosità Pompa di circolazione ad alta efficienza Predisposizione per abbinamento con il sistema solare integrato Baxi Scarico sdoppiato Ø 80 di serie Allacciamento a tubo di scarico Ø 50 mm rigido e flessibile: soluzioni per risanamento canne fumarie Allacciamento a canne fumarie collettive in pressione Caldaie funzionanti a metano trasformabili a GPL e ad aria propanata mediante apposita regolazione (kit di trasformazione non necessario) Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto. 


  • immagine-1-baxi-area-occasioni-caldaia-baxi-duo-tec-compact-e-24-kw-metano-a-condensazione-low-nox-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    BAXI AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW metano a condensazione low NOx completa di kit scarico fumi

     ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA IL PANNELLO FRONTALE PRESENTA UN LEGGERO DANNEGGIAMENTO AD UN GANCIO DI CHIUSURA E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE)  N.B.  LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. FUNZIONAMENTO A GPL TRAMITE REGOLAZIONE DA PARTE DEL CENTRO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO. PER INFO, CONTATTARE PREVENTIVAMENTE L'ASSISTENZA BAXI  Caldaia Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW a condensazione low NOx completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o Gpl - Novità Caratteristiche Tecniche Classe di efficienza energetica ErP (risc e ACS): A  Profilo di carico: XL Portata termica nominale sanitario kW 24,7 Portata termica nominale riscaldamento kW 20,6 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente ŋs % 93 Emissioni di ossidi di azoto NOx mg/kWh 15 Temperatura minima di funzionamento °C -5 Capacità vaso espansione l 7 Regolazione temperatura acqua circuito riscaldamento °C 25-80 Produzione acqua sanitaria ∆T 25°C (1) l/min 13,8 Portata minima acqua circuito sanitario l/min 2 Dimensioni (hxlxp) mm 700x400x299 Grado di protezione IPX5D Gamma DUO-TEC COMPACT E  Nuovo design: cambia l’estetica, non le prestazioni. Luna Duo-tec E e Duo-tec Compact E: le già note caldaie Baxi si presentano oggi con una nuova estetica, sempre più moderna ed attenta alle nuove tendenze di design, che ne consente l’inserimento in qualsiasi contesto abitativo. Anche il pannello comandi è stato completamente rinnovato ed è dotato di un nuovo display LCD retroilluminato ancora più chiaro e semplice da usare grazie a tasti dedicati ed indipendenti. Le nuove caldaie, ancora più belle e moderne grazie al restyling, mantengono comunque intatte le caratteristiche che da sempre hanno contraddistinto la gamma Duo-tec: Affidabilità. Robustezza, durabilità e affidabilità nelle prestazioni; Efficienza e risparmio. La riduzione dei cicli di accensione/spegnimento si traduce in notevoli benefici in termini di risparmio energetico e minori emissioni; Completezza di gamma. Modelli solo riscaldamento, con produzione istantanea ACS, e anche la versione compatta con possibilità di installazione all’esterno. La gamma si è ulteriormente arricchita con i nuovi modelli dotati DI SERIE del cronotermostato modulante con wi-fi integrato Baxi Mago La caldaia ideale per nuove costruzioni e per la sostituzione La gamma di caldaie a gas a condensazione Duo-tec E è stata specificatamente progettata rispettando i requisiti delle Direttive Ecodesign e Labelling, per renderla particolarmente adatta sia in caso di nuove costruzioni sia in sostituzione di un vecchio generatore. La classe energetica, identificata da una lettera, esprime un intervallo di valori di efficienza entro il quale risiede quello espresso dal prodotto in esame. L’etichetta nasce per il consumatore finale, in modo che, attraverso dati veri e comparabili, possa fare scelte consapevoli indirizzandosi su prodotti ad alta efficienza. Funzione preriscaldo scambiatore Le caldaie della gamma Duo-tec E sono dotate della funzione di preriscaldo dello scambiatore che garantisce la produzione immediata di acqua calda sanitaria alla temperatura comfort impostata. Infatti, l’acqua sanitaria passando attraverso le piastre dello scambiatore preriscaldato, viene erogata già alla temperatura desiderata senza tempi di attesa. La funzione può essere facilmente attivata/disattivata da un apposito parametro della caldaia Info caldaia Premendo il tasto dedicato , è possibile visualizzare numerose informazioni in merito al funzionamento della caldaia come ad esempio: pressione acqua impianto riscaldamento (trasduttore di pressione elettronico presente nel gruppo idraulico); temperatura di mandata/ritorno riscaldamento; temperatura esterna (con sonda esterna installata); temperatura acqua calda sanitaria. Efficienza e risparmio maggiore efficienza data da minori accensioni e spegnimenti: con un rapporto di modulazione elevato, la riduzione dei continui cicli di accensione/spegnimento comporta una significativa riduzione dei consumi (dell’8-10%) e una pari riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti; adeguamento della potenza termica prodotta alla potenza dissipata evitando quindi un eccessivo surriscaldamento/raffrescamento dei locali. Gas Adaptive Control È un innovativo sistema che, grazie ad una nuova elettronica di controllo e ad una nuova valvola a gas elettronica, garantisce un controllo automatico della combustione per mantenere costantemente i valori di massima efficienza. Vantaggi: non ci sono interventi manuali - ridotte misurazioni, tarature o cambio ugelli con questo sistema, la caldaia si auto adatta alla qualità del gas e alla lunghezza dei tubi di scarico fumi mantenendo costante il rendimento la caldaia inoltre si autoregola costantemente per mantenere i valori di massima efficienza favorendo una riduzione dei consumi di gas e generando meno inquinamento grazie al continuo controllo delle emissioni Installazione all’esterno Le caldaie Duo-tec Compact E possono essere installate all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti grazie al nuovo kit di copertura superiore e al kit di chiusura inferiore (disponibili come accessori). La gamma Duo-tec Compact E, infatti, è dotata DI SERIE di un sistema antigelo elettronico che garantisce il funzionamento fino alla temperatura di -5 °C: la protezione IPX5D, inoltre, tutela le parti elettriche da getti d’acqua che possono provenire da tutte le direzioni. Nuovo design moderno ed elegante per tutta la gamma Ampio campo di modulazione 1:7 maggiore efficienza e silenziosità GAC (gas adaptive control): controllo automatico della combustione Pannello comandi digitale con ampio display LCD retroilluminato Nuovo kit di copertura: possibilità di installazione all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti (accessorio a richiesta) Allacciamento tubo di scarico Ø50 mm rigido e flessibile: soluzione per risanamento canne fumarie - per il mod. 24 kW lunghezza totale 40 metri (aspirazione+scarico) Dimensioni compatte: 700x400x299 mm Sistema idraulico Valvola deviatrice a tre vie elettrica Bruciatore a premiscelazione in acciaio inox Scambiatore acqua/fumi in acciaio inox Scambiatore sanitario maggiorato in acciaio inox che permette alla caldaia di condensare anche in funzionamento sanitario Ventilatore modulante a variazione elettronica di velocità By-pass automatico Pompa di circolazione ad alta efficienza a modulazione totale Sistema antibloccaggio pompa e valvola a tre vie che interviene ogni 24 ore Valvola di sicurezza circuito riscaldamento a 3 bar Sistema di termoregolazione Regolazione climatica di serie (con sonda esterna disponibile come optional) Predisposizione per il collegamento ad un impianto a zone Sistema di controllo Termostato di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dello scambiatore acqua/fumi Pressostato idraulico che blocca il gas in caso di mancanza d’acqua Sonda NTC di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dei fumi Controllo temperature mediante sonde NTC Dispositivo antigelo totale Termometro elettronico Manometro circuito riscaldamento Garanzia Prodotto :  Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia A Gas A Condensazione Baxi Luna Alux 33 Ga Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Luna Alux 33 Ga Natural Gas Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XXL DHW nominal heat input kW 34 Heating nominal heat input kW 28.9 Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 33 Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Efficiency at 100% Pn (80-60°C): 97.7% Efficiency at 100% Pn (50-30°C): 105.5% Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 8/0.8 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 18.9 Degree of protection: IPX5D NOx class (EN 483) 5 Dimensions ( HxWxD ): 763 x 450 x 345 mm Weight : 43.5Kg Power supply: METHANE Wall-hung gas condensing boilers ideal for replacing old systems with cast iron/lamellar steel radiators The new condensing range Luna Alux is divided into two models, 24 and 33 kW for heating and instant domestic hot water production. Luna Alux was designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives. The labeling directive (2010/30/EU) requires the labeling of products according to a decreasing energy scale that goes from A++ to G starting from 09/26/2015 and from A+++ to D from 09/26/2019. The label was created to allow the final consumer, by providing true and comparable data, to make informed choices by targeting high-efficiency products. Exclusive design aluminum heat exchanger Luna Alux is the new Baxi condensing boiler equipped with a corrosion-resistant aluminum-silicon alloy exchanger which makes this boiler particularly solid. The exchanger, designed and produced on an exclusive Baxi design, has been studied with large water passage sections to make the boiler particularly suitable for replacement in old heating systems with cast iron or lamellar steel radiators In these types of systems, the replacement of the existing boiler with a new LUNA ALUX: Significantly lowers the risk of clogging due to impurities in the system water Makes operation particularly quiet The high water content inside the exchanger determines: Less temperature fluctuations Increased overheat protection More effective DHW pre-heating Furthermore, the exchanger can be inspected and this facilitates periodic maintenance Digital control panel The Luna Alux range of boilers is equipped with a digital control panel with backlit LCD display, easy to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys to adjust the temperature of the domestic hot water and the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in a clear and immediate way. Efficiency and savings Wide modulation range: Greater efficiency given by less switching on and off: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous switching on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions adjustment of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises Hydraulic group in brass Baxi has chosen to maintain quality in its components. The brass hydraulic group, in fact, is a guarantee of: Robustness Greater durability Recyclability Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency given by fewer starts and stops: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions • power adjustment produced at the dissipated power thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of rooms A Gas Adaptive Control The innovative GAC (Gas Adaptive Control) automatic combustion control system guarantees a wide modulation range up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adjust the thermal power produced to the actual power dissipated from the building avoiding excessive heating/cooling of the building. High efficiency total modulation pump The Alux range is equipped with a high-efficiency, fully modulated circulation pump. The pump is equipped with a permanent magnet motor with a variable rotation speed controlled by the boiler board. The high efficiency total modulation pump allows: Lower electricity consumption Better performance Greater durability Characteristics: Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control to constantly maintain the maximum efficiency values ​​(operation on methane only) High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Aluminum-silicon alloy exchanger with large water passage sections Hydraulic group in brass 10 liter expansion vessel (mod. 33) Easy maintenance thanks to front access to components Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Electronic system deaeration function to facilitate air removal during initial ignition Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • Caldaia A Gas A Condensazione Baxi Modello Luna Duo-Tec In+ 24 Ga Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Condensing Gas Boiler Model Luna Duo-Tec In+ 24 Ga Methane Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    BUILT-IN UNIT NOT INCLUDED! TO PURCHASE RECESSED UNITS CLICK HERE Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL Nominal heat input 24.7 kW Nominal thermal power 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Nominal efficiency 80/60°C % 97.7 Return at 30% % 108.8 Heating circuit water temperature control °C 25-80 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 13.8 Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Minimum operating temperature: -15°C Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar: 8/0.8 NOx class (EN 483): 5 Dimensions (hxlxp) - with case: mm 1170 x 600 x 245 Dimensions (hxwxd) - boiler 770 x 470 x 238 mm; 32.5kg Power supply: METHANE Luna Duo-Tec IN+ The efficiency of compact built-in comfort Baxi has always offered the ideal system solution for any type of home: for this reason the Duo-tec+ range is expanding with built-in models and for outdoor installation. Luna Duo-tec IN+ is the built-in condensing boiler, specifically designed to make it suitable for replacing an old built-in generator but also in new installations. The extremely compact dimensions of the boiler facilitate its installation in small/medium-sized apartments, and in general in all housing units where efficient space management is an important objective (for example in technical rooms or in the presence of ) Recessed installation outdoors Luna Duo-tec IN+ is the built-in condensing boiler, specifically designed to make it suitable for replacing an old built-in generator but also in new installations. The extremely compact dimensions of the boiler facilitate its installation in small/medium-sized apartments, and in general in all housing units where efficient space management is an important objective (for example in technical rooms or in the presence of ). Inside the packaging there are the bracket and installation fittings for inserting the boiler into the containment box Characteristics: Wide modulation range up to 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control Automatic plant loading system Minimum operating temperature: -15°C Remote digital control panel with LCD display Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Ultra-compact dimensions: 770x470x238 mm (boiler) STANDARD installation kit (gas cock / gas inlet / telescopic fittings) Antifreeze function and IPX5D degree of protection Digital control panel The Duo-tec+ range of boilers is equipped with a digital control panel with backlit LCD display, easy to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys to adjust the temperature of the domestic hot water and the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in a clear and immediate way. Gas Adaptive Control The innovative GAC ( Gas Adaptive Control ) automatic combustion control system guarantees a wide modulation range up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adjust the thermal power produced to the actual power dissipated from the building avoiding excessive heating/cooling of the building. Antifreeze function The boilers have been designed to allow the boiler to operate down to -15°C. Furthermore, the antifreeze function provides for the automatic ignition of the burner, avoiding freezing phenomena. Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency given by fewer starts and stops: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of the continuous on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions adjustment of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Baxi Duo-Tec Max+ 33 Ga A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Gas Boiler Baxi Duo-Tec Max+ 33 Ga LPG Condensing Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp

    Overview BAXI DUO-TEC MAX+ 33 GA CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP 2015 Technical specifications ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL Sanitary nominal heat inputkW 34ÿ Heating nominal heat input kW 28.9 Sanitary nominal thermal powerkW 33 Energy efficiency(92/42/CEE)ÿ**** Efficiency 100% Pn (80-60øC): 97.8% Efficiency 100% Pn (50-30øC): 105.8% Expansion/pre-charge capacity l/bar 8/0.8 Sanitary water temperature adjustmentøC 35-60ÿ Sanitary water production T 25øC l/min 18.9 Degrees of protection: IPX5Dÿ NOx class (EN 483) 5 Dimensions (hxwxd): 760 x 450 x 345ÿmmÿ; 39.5 kgs Power supply: LPG Features list Duo-Tec Max+ The new range of gas condensing boilersÿDuo-tec+ÿ has been specifically designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives, to make it particularly suitable both for new buildings and for replacing an old generator. In fact, in addition to the already known advantages of condensing technology such as efficiency, energy saving and reduced polluting emissions, the new Duo-tec+ condensing boilers are characterized by: Complete range of models: heating only, with instantaneous DHW production, with integrated micro-storage tank, with integrated 40 liter storage tank. The range also includes the compact version (Compact+), the first Baxi condensing boiler in just 70 cm in height and 30 cm in depth. Digital control panel with backlit LCD display Wide range of 1:7 modulationÿreduction of on/off cycles translates into significant benefits in terms of energy savings and lower emissions digital control panel The Duo-tec+ range of boilers is equipped with a digital control panel with backlit LCD display, simple to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys for regulating the temperature of the domestic hot water and of the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in immediate change. Gas Adaptive Control The innovative automatic combustion control system GAC (Gas Adaptive Control) guarantees a wide modulation range of up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adapt the thermal power produced to the effective power dissipated by the building, thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the building. Full modulation pumpÿ Can the circulation pump operate at maximum speed, at minimum speed in mode or automatic?: in the latter case, the speed (min./max) will be selected so that the heating delivery/return T remains constant at 20°C thus guaranteeing a significant reduction of pump consumption and, given the lower mechanical stresses (compared to a pump that always runs at maximum speed), also of maintenance costs Characteristics: *** of sanitary comfort(EN 13203) wide modulation ranges fine 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic control of combustion mini accumulator integrated in the expansion vessel (Baxi patent) digital control panel with large backlit LCD display high-efficiency circulation pump with total modulation antifreeze function IPX5D protection degree To be placed on the EU market, a productÿmustÿhave the brand,ÿthat is, comply with all the European Directives applicable to it.ÿ The ÿEcodesign and Labellingÿ Directives (eco-design and energy labelling) were created to help the EU achieve the objectives of the EU Plan 20-20-20, with a particular focus on reducing CO2 emissions by 20%, increasing energy efficiency 20% and the increase in the use of renewable energy by 20%, by 2020. For this reason, all heat generators for space heating, appliances for the production of DHW and systems of several of these appliances combined in combination will have to comply with the requirements for eco-design and be labelled, according to the quantity established by the implementing regulations, in order to be placed on the marketby producers. From 26 September 2015, the directives will affect all the products described above with a Pn 400 kW for eco-design and with a Pn 70 kW for labeling, destined for the markets of all countries of the European Economic Area. How is placing on the market Placing on the market is carried out by the manufacturer (by the importer from outside the EU) when the product remains available for the first time on the EU market.ÿThis happens when ownership changes to a distributor (invoice). ÿHow the placing on the market takes place Placing on the market is carried out by the manufacturer (by the importer from outside the EU) when the product remains available for the first time on the EU market.ÿThis happens when ownership changes to a distributor (invoice). ÿWhat products can be sold All products with CE marks placed on the market before 01/08 and 26/09 2015 are considered compliant and therefore salable until exhaustion. All products that will be placed on the market (sold) by the manufacturer/importer after these dates must comply with the new standards . What is a product according to ErP (Ecodesign) A device designed to operate at maximum efficiency with minimum environmental impact. To comply with this directive, the product must have Pnÿ 400 kW and as regards the hot water tanks, a volumeÿ 2000 litres. Manufacturers are obliged toÿplace on the marketÿonly ErP-compliant products with these deadlines: sinceÿAugust 1, 2015ÿonly products equipped with high efficiency pump fromÿ26 September 2015ÿonly products that meet the minimum ErP efficiency requirementsÿ Ecodesign defines the requirements that products must meet in order to be placed on the market, based on: Seasonal efficiencyÿfor heating and efficiency for DHW production based on the declared load profileÿ Emissionsÿ(NOx values)ÿ Maximum allowable noiseÿof hydronic heat pump outdoor unitsÿ What is a Combi product according to ErP An appliance (single with boiler) for heating and DHW production, already equipped with labeling with energy class information relating to a DHW loader profile. What is the energy label The labeling directive (2010/30/EU) requires the labeling of products according to a decreasing energy scale that goes from A + + + to GE An energy label is also provided for the installed system, depending on the components used (for example a boiler, DHW tank and room temperature controls). The label was created for the final consumer, providing real and comparable data, to make informed choices and targeting high-efficiency products. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Baxi Prime 24 A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi + Kit Idraulico Metano - Nuovo Modello Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Prime 24 Condensing Boiler Complete With Fumes Kit + Methane Plumbing Kit - New Erp Model

    BAXI PRIME 24 CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT + METHANE HYDRAULIC KIT - NEW ErP MODEL ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A - A Load profile: XL Heating and instant DHW production Heating/DHW nominal heat input kW 24.7/20.6 Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 24 Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Efficiency at 100% Pn (80-60°C): 97.8% Efficiency at 100% Pn (50-30°C): 108.6% Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 7/0.8 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 13.8 Minimum domestic water flow rate I/min 2 Degree of protection: IPX5D NOx class (EN 483) 5 Electric power W 84 Dimensions (hxlxp): 700x395x279 mm ; 26 kgs Power supply: METHANE BAXI PRIME The new Prime condensing range is divided into two models, 24 and 28 kW for heating and instant domestic hot water production. Prime has been designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives. The labeling directive (2010/30/EU) requires products to be labeled according to a decreasing energy scale that goes from A++ to G starting from 09/26/2015 and from A+++ to D from 09/26/2019. The label was created to allow the final consumer, by providing true and comparable data, to make informed choices by targeting high-efficiency products. Characteristics: Easy to use thanks to the control panel equipped with knobs and backlit LCD display Easy installation thanks to the ultra-compact dimensions (700x395x285mm - including knobs) and low weight (26 kg) Modulation range 1:5 greater efficiency and silence High efficiency circulation pump Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Ø 80 double exhaust as standard Connection to rigid and flexible Ø 50 mm exhaust pipe: solutions for restoring flues Connection to pressurized collective flues Boilers running on methane that can be converted to LPG and propane by means of a specific regulation (conversion kit not necessary)


  • Caldaia A Gas A Condensazione Baxi Modello Luna Platinum+ 33 Ga Metano O Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi /Gpl - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Condensing Gas Boiler Model Luna Platinum+ 33 Ga Methane Or LPG Complete With Smoke / LPG Exhaust Kit

    Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XXL DHW nominal heat input kW 34 Heating nominal heat input kW 28.9 Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 33 Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Efficiency at 100% Pn (80-60°C): 97.6% Efficiency at 100% Pn (50-30°C): 105.4% Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 8/0.8 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 18.9 Degree of protection: IPX5D NOx class (EN 483) 5 Dimensions (h x w x d): 760 x 450 x 345 mm ; 39.5 kgs Power supply: CNG or LPG *Operation on LPG through adjustment by the Authorized Assistance Centre Moon Platinum+ Wall mounted condensing gas boilers for heating only and instant DHW production. Ecodesign and Labeling - From Baxi research comes a complete range of condensing boilers with high technological content designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling directives, to ensure maximum domestic comfort. Latest generation electronics, high efficiency and compact design make the Platinum+ range the ideal solution for both new installations and replacement. THINK raises system efficiency - The Platinum+ range of boilers is designed with the Think technology platform - intelligence within, an exclusive system that makes them "think" intelligently! With this authentic "the brain inside the box", the Baxi proposal confirms itself as the intelligent choice for making the boiler communicate in a simple and flexible way with all the main heating technologies, creating increasingly complex and energy-efficient design solutions. Furthermore, the Think platform makes the boiler very easy to use, in line with the Baxi design tradition aimed at totally user-friendly management of the appliance. Even the least experienced user can thus interact with the new control panel and program his own domestic comfort with the utmost simplicity. With the range of condensing boilers with the Think platform, Baxi comfort is easy and smart. The combination of the Platinum+ boiler for heating and DHW production and THINK controls for intelligent management of the system allows efficiency to be raised to class A+. The Platinum+ range is equipped AS STANDARD with a removable control panel for remote management (wired or wireless) of the boiler, equipped with a large multifunction text display with modulating thermoregulation control unit functions. GAC - The innovative automatic combustion control system GAC (Gas Adaptive Control) guarantees a wide modulation range up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adapt the thermal power produced to the effective power dissipated by the building avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the building. Efficiency and savings - The objective of a heat generator is to supply the energy necessary to the rooms to maintain maximum comfort conditions inside: this means supplying the rooms, through the system, with the same amount of heat the building disperses. In new buildings, the regulations increasingly require greater insulation and consequently less dispersion. Usually there is a tendency to oversize heat generators to favor the production of sanitary water: this leads to an excess of power in heating which, together with the poor modulation capacity of traditional boilers, causes discontinuous functioning and therefore waste of fuel. Discontinuous processes generate energy losses (heat dispersion caused by the pre-washing of the combustion chamber, component wear caused by continuous on-off, decrease in generator efficiency). The modulation system of the Platinum+ range is able to adapt the thermal power produced to the effective power dissipated by the building, avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the rooms. Total modulation pump The Luna Platinum+ range is renewed with the introduction of a high efficiency electronic pump with permanent magnet motor. The new fully modulated pump allows, compared to using a pump traditional modulating: Lower electricity consumption Better performance Greater durability Plant deaeration New electronic "system deaeration" function to facilitate the removal of air during initial ignition. Efficiency and savings The objective of a heat generator is to supply the energy necessary to the rooms to maintain conditions of maximum comfort inside them: this means supplying the rooms, through the system, with the same amount of heat that the building loses . In new buildings, the regulations increasingly require greater insulation and consequently less dispersion. Usually there is a tendency to oversize heat generators to favor the production of sanitary water: this leads to an excess of power in heating which, together with the poor modulation capacity of traditional boilers, causes discontinuous functioning and therefore waste of fuel. Discontinuous processes generate energy losses (heat dispersion caused by the pre-washing of the combustion chamber, component wear caused by continuous on-off, decrease in generator efficiency). The modulation system of the Platinum+ range is able to adapt the thermal power produced to the effective power dissipated by the building, avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the rooms. The graph shown above highlights the reduction in on/off cycles which distinguishes the new Platinum+ boilers with modulation up to 1:10 compared to a condensing boiler with lower modulation. The reduction of the on/offs determines an improvement in the efficiency of the boiler and consequently a considerable saving for the end user. Standard condensing boilers, on the other hand, with a limited modulation range work at a minimum power level above 6 kW; this allows it to avoid the on/off cycles for only 3% of the period of operation in heating, compromising the performance of the boiler and the life of the components. GAC : Gas Adaptive Control The electronics and the gas valve with stepper motor that the new Platinum+ boilers are equipped with guarantee automatic combustion control which is based on: on the flame signal The system continuously measures the flame signal during boiler operation and adjusts the gas flow rate so as to maintain the quality of combustion constant and all this without requiring any additional component inside the combustion chamber. Installers and end users enjoy the following benefits of the GAC: The automatic combustion control favors a reduction in installation times as no manual adjustment of the gas valve or nozzle change is required: in fact, it is sufficient to manually modify some parameters of the electronic board for operation with LPG The boiler self-adapts to the quality of the gas and the length of the flue gas outlets: this means that there are no manual adjustments to make High modulation field 1:10: high efficiency and savings, since such a wide modulation field determines a greater adaptability of the boiler to the thermal dispersions of the building to obtain a higher efficiency and greater durability of the components. The reduction of the on/off cycles, in addition to the greater efficiency, guarantees less noise produced by the boiler Unlike traditional condensing boilers, the boiler always works adjusted to maximum efficiency values ​​favoring a reduction in gas consumption and consequently a lower environmental impact thanks to the control of CO/CO2 emissions Power sets The term Power set identifies the heating power regulation process according to the project data. The thermal capacity of the boiler, through the Power set device, is adjusted according to the energy requirement: just act on the control panel to adjust some parameters. Complete soundproofing C structure Silence is the relative or absolute absence of sound or noise. The noise level of the Luna Platinum+ boiler is comparable to a normal conversation. Digital pressure gauge The electronic pressure transducer in the hydraulic unit allows you to check the pressure directly on the display. Double alarm level in the event of low pressure: a "warning" level in the event of low pressure in the boiler; a "block" level in the event of a lack of pressure. Intubation solution For the rehabilitation of flues Baxi has developed a system that allows easy ducting in existing flues thanks to a Ø50 mm exhaust pipe (for 24kW models) Characteristics: wide modulation range 1:10 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control high-efficiency circulation pump with total modulation removable and backlit control panel in wireless and wired version for wall installation, with large text display, adjustment knob and menu selection keys power set: heating power adjustment according to project data integrated electronic management for coupling to a solar system Ø50 mm exhaust pipe: solution for restoring flues - mod. 24 kW STANDARD installation kit (gas cock / DHW inlet / telescopic fittings) antifreeze function and IPX5D degree of protection Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Baxi Eco5 Compact+ 24 Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Eco5 Compact + 24 LPG Boiler - New Erp

    ATTENTION THE BOILER IS BORN WITH METHANE. THEN, THE TRANSFORMATION KIT WILL BE PROVIDED. FOR INFO, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE BAXI ECO5 COMPACT+ 24 LPG - NEW ErP Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): C - B Load profile: XL Heating nominal heat input kW 26.3 Heating rated thermal power kW 24 Nominal direct return: 91.2% Efficiency at 30%: 89.3% Minimum operating temp. -5 Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 6/0.5 Heating circuit temperature range °C 30/85 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 13.7 Minimum domestic water flow rate I/min 2 Degree of protection IPX5D Rated electric power W 54 Dimensions (hxlxp): 730x400x298 mm ; 27Kg Power supply: CNG or LPG Eco5 Compact+ Wall-mounted compact gas boiler, with natural draft for replacement in branched collective flues   Eco5 Compact+ is the Baxi compact natural draft boiler ideal for replacement. The extremely compact dimensions make this boiler particularly ideal for replacing old natural draft generators connected to branched collective flues, the only installation context allowed by the ErP directive for traditional open chamber boilers. The large display and programming keys allow easy and simple interaction with the boiler. ErP Energy Labeling Energy labeling - products Pn ≤ 70 kW (ref. Reg. 811 and 812 of 2013 implementing 2010/30/EU) The labeling directive (2010/30/EU) requires the labeling of products according to a scale decreasing energy ranging from A++ to G starting from 09/26/2015 and from A+++ to D from 09/26/2019. The label was created to allow the final consumer, by providing real and comparable data, to make informed choices and to focus on high-efficiency products. Characteristics: Compact dimensions 730x400x298 Easy access for maintenance of all components Compact hydraulic unit equipped with an anti-twist metal bar for safe installation Removable filter on the heating return circuit to protect the water/flue gas exchanger from impurities Antifreeze function and IPX5D degree of protection High efficiency circulation pump Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Baxi Luna Duo-Tec In+ 28 Ga A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Luna Duo-Tec In+ 28 Ga LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    BAXI LUNA DUO-TEC IN+ 28 GA LPG CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL Nominal heat input 28.9 kW Nominal thermal power 28 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Nominal efficiency 80/60°C % 97.6 Return at 30% % 108.8 Heating circuit water temperature control °C 25-80 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 16.1 Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Minimum operating temperature: -15°C Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar: 8/0.8 NOx class (EN 483): 5 Electric power W 99 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions (hxlxp) - with case: mm 1170 x 600 x 245 Dimensions (hxwxd) - boiler 770 x 470 x 238 mm; 32.5kg Power supply: LPG Standard Remote digital control panel with LCD display Installation kit (gas cock / gas inlet / telescopic fittings) General characteristics Luna Duo-Tec IN+ The efficiency of compact built-in comfort Baxi has always offered the ideal system solution for any type of home: for this reason the Duo-tec+ range is expanding with built-in models and for outdoor installation. Luna Duo-tec IN+ is the built-in condensing boiler, specifically designed to make it suitable for replacing an old built-in generator but also in new installations. The extremely compact dimensions of the boiler facilitate its installation in small/medium-sized apartments, and in general in all housing units where efficient space management is an important objective (for example in technical rooms or in the presence of ) Characteristics: Wide modulation range up to 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control Automatic plant loading system Minimum operating temperature: -15°C Remote digital control panel with LCD display Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Ultra-compact dimensions: 770x470x238 mm (boiler) STANDARD installation kit (gas cock / gas inlet / telescopic fittings) Antifreeze function and IPX5D degree of protection Digital control panel The Duo-tec+ range of boilers is equipped with a digital control panel with backlit LCD display, easy to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys to adjust the temperature of the domestic hot water and the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in a clear and immediate way. Gas Adaptive Control The innovative GAC (Gas Adaptive Control) automatic combustion control system guarantees a wide modulation range up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adjust the thermal power produced to the actual power dissipated from the building avoiding excessive heating/cooling of the building. Antifreeze function The boilers have been designed to allow the boiler to operate down to -15°C. Furthermore, the antifreeze function provides for the automatic ignition of the burner, avoiding freezing phenomena. Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency given by less switching on and off: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous switching on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions adjustment of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Baxi Eco5 Compact+ 24 Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Eco5 Compact + 24 Methane Boiler - New Erp

    BAXI ECO5 COMPACT+ 24 Methane - NEW ErP Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): C - B Load profile: XL Heating nominal heat input kW 26.3 Heating rated thermal power kW 24 Nominal direct return: 91.2% Efficiency at 30%: 89.3% Minimum operating temp. -5 Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 6/0.5 Heating circuit temperature range °C 30/85 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 13.7 Minimum domestic water flow rate I/min 2 Degree of protection IPX5D Rated electric power W 54 Dimensions (hxlxp): 730x400x298 mm ; 27Kg Power supply: METHANE Eco5 Compact+ Wall-mounted compact gas boiler, with natural draft for replacement in branched collective flues   Eco5 Compact+ is the Baxi compact natural draft boiler ideal for replacement. The extremely compact dimensions make this boiler particularly ideal for replacing old natural draft generators connected to branched collective flues, the only installation context allowed by the ErP directive for traditional open chamber boilers. The large display and programming keys allow easy and simple interaction with the boiler. ErP Energy Labeling Energy labeling - products Pn ≤ 70 kW (ref. Reg. 811 and 812 of 2013 implementing 2010/30/EU) The labeling directive (2010/30/EU) requires the labeling of products according to a scale decreasing energy ranging from A++ to G starting from 09/26/2015 and from A+++ to D from 09/26/2019. The label was created to allow the final consumer, by providing real and comparable data, to make informed choices and to focus on high-efficiency products. Characteristics: Compact dimensions 730x400x298 Easy access for maintenance of all components Compact hydraulic unit equipped with an anti-twist metal bar for safe installation Removable filter on the heating return circuit to protect the water/flue gas exchanger from impurities Antifreeze function and IPX5D degree of protection High efficiency circulation pump Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Baxi Luna Duo-Tec+ 1.24 Ga Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp Solo Riscaldamento - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Gas Boiler Baxi Luna Duo-Tec+ 1.24 Ga LPG Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp Heating Only

    GAS BOILER BAXI LUNA DUO-TEC+ 1.24 GA LPG COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP HEATING ONLY Wall mounted condensing boiler, heating only ErP energy efficiency class (heating): A Heating nominal heat input kW 24.7 Heating rated thermal power kW 24 Efficiency at 100% Pn (80-60°C): 87.9% Useful return at 30%: 98% Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 8/0.8 Heating circuit water temperature adjustment °C 25-80 Degree of protection: IPX5D NOx class (EN 483) 5 Dimensions (h x w x d): 763 x 450 x 345 mm ; 38.5 kgs Power supply: LPG Luna Duo-Tec+ Wall mounted gas condensing boilers ideal for both new build and replacement The new Duo-tec+ range of gas-fired condensing boilers has been specifically designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives, to make it particularly suitable both for new buildings and for replacing an old generator. In fact, in addition to the already known advantages of condensing technology such as high efficiency, energy saving and reduced polluting emissions, the new Duo-tec+ condensing boilers are characterized by: Complete range of models: heating only, with instantaneous DHW production, with integrated micro-accumulator, with integrated 40-litre accumulator. The range also includes the compact version (Compact+), the first Baxi condensing boiler in just 70 cm in height and 30 cm in depth. Digital control panel with backlit LCD display Wide modulation range 1:7 the reduction of on/off cycles translates into significant benefits in terms of energy savings and lower emissions Digital control panel The Duo-tec+ range of boilers is equipped with a digital control panel with backlit LCD display, easy to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys to adjust the temperature of the domestic hot water and the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in a clear and immediate way. Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency given by fewer starts and stops: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of the continuous on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions adjustment of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises Gas Adaptive Control The innovative GAC (Gas Adaptive Control) automatic combustion control system guarantees a wide modulation range up to 1:10: high efficiency and energy savings are ensured as the boiler is able to adjust the thermal power produced to the actual power dissipated from the building avoiding excessive heating/cooling of the building. Total modulation pump The circulation pump can operate at maximum speed, minimum speed or in "automatic" mode: in the latter case, the speed (min./max) will be selected so that the delivery/return ?T in heating remains constant at 20 °C thus ensuring a significant reduction in pump consumption and, given the lower mechanical stresses (compared to a pump that always runs at maximum speed), also in maintenance costs Characteristics: Wide modulation range up to 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Ø50 mm exhaust pipe: solution for restoring flues - mod. 24 kW Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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