icon Wall Boilers | CaldaieMurali

Wall Boilers

Caldaie Murali - CaldaieMurali
Reliable heating with wall mounted boilers. Compact design, energy efficiency and optimal performance for the comfort of your home. Choose from a wide range of wall mounted boilers and secure an efficient and affordable heating system. Buy your wall mounted boiler today!

64 products

  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-ferroli-divacondens-d-plus-f24-metano-low-nox-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Ferroli DIVACONDENS D PLUS F24 Metano LOW NOx Completa di kit scarico fumi

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UNA RIPARAZIONE AD UNA PLASTICA INTERNA, GRAFFI ED AMMACCATURE LATERALI E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO L'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE)  La caldaia verrà fornita a metano, per il funzionamento a GPL bisogna rivolgersi al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato di zona.  Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Divacondens D Plus Potenza Termica nominale : 24 kW Alimentazione : Metano Specifiche Efficienza Energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : B Efficienza Energetica Stagionale per il Riscaldamento d'ambiente : 89% Performance Portata Termica Riscaldamento : 7,5 ~ 25,0 kW Potenza Termica Riscaldamento : 7,2 ~ 24,2 kW Rendimento Termico Ultile 30% Pmin : 100,1 % Produzione Acqua Calda Sanitaria 25°C Δt 30°C : 13,9 ~ 11,6 l/min Emissioni NOx 6 Dimensioni e Peso Dimesioni (LxHxP) : 400x700x330 mm Peso : 35 Kg Caldaia Ferroli Divacondens D Plus La Soluzione Più Semplice Per Una Caldaia a Condensazione   DIVACONDENS D PLUS è il generatore di calore a condensazione per i sistemi di riscaldamento tradizionali. La collaudata tecnologia Ferroli nel campo delle caldaie murali tradizionali è stata arricchita incrementando le prestazioni del prodotto nel modo più semplice, con l’utilizzo di un robusto recuperatore che preriscalda il circuito primario utilizzando il calore residuo dei fumi di scarico e di un nuovo bruciatore raffreddato a basse emissioni di NOx. La Gamma Divacondens D Plus è proposta in un unico modello per riscaldamento e produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria Caratteristiche> Caldaia a condensazione per il riscaldamento di impianti ad alta temperatura e produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. Non risulta idonea all’abbinamento con mandata diretta ad impianti con pannelli radianti a bassa temperatura > Scambiatore primario a geometria compatta > Produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria con scambiatore a piastre dedicato > Post-recuperatore del calore latente di condensazione, in funzione di pre-riscaldo del circuito primario > Caldaia a camera stagna e tiraggio forzato, con bruciatore atmosferico raffreddato ad acqua a basse emissioni di NOx > By-pass idraulico automatico di serie > Minime emissioni inquinanti (classe 6 secondo EN 15502-1) > Circolatore alta efficienza a basso consumo (ErP - Classe A) con sistema antibloccaggio tramite attivazione per alcuni secondi ogni 24 ore di inattività > Abbinabile al cronocomando remoto modulante > Pannello comandi semplice e completo, interfaccia utente a display, con tasti di impostazione > Robusto post-condensatore alimentato dal circuito chiuso del primario. Lo scambio termico con i fumi avviene all’interno di passaggi d’acqua di grande diametro. > Generatore dal funzionamento semplice e razionale > Funzione ECO in sanitario per un maggior risparmio nel periodo di scarso utilizzo di acqua calda > Predisposizione impianti solari: predisposta per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria combinata con impianti a pannelli solari > Luogo di installazione: anche per esterno in luogo parzialmente protetto fino a -5°C di serie > Funzionamento certificato anche ad aria propanata (50% aria - 50% G31) mediante apposita trasformazione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato > Funzionamento anche a GPL con l’utilizzo di un apposito kit di conversione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza AutorizzatoControllo in caldaia La centralina di controllo di DIVACONDENS D PLUS consiste in un’interfaccia facile da usare con display retroilluminato. Tramite i pulsanti è possibile regolare facilmente la temperatura di mandata riscaldamento, il setpoint dell’acqua calda sanitaria, accendere / spegnere il generatore o attivare la funzione confort, monitorando lo stato della caldaia. Il pannello di controllo è completato da un manometro tradizionale che può controllare in qualsiasi momento la pressione dell’impianto.Le performanceClassificazione energetica Profilo di carico sanitario (massima portata alla corrispondente efficienza dichiarata in sanitario) Efficienza nella produzione di acqua calda sanitaria PER CALDAIE COMBINATE Il pacchetto “clima-energia 20/20/20” prevede ambiziosi obiettivi di riduzione dell’emissione di gas serra, dei consumi energetici nonché l’incremento dell’uso di energie rinnovabili, corrispondenti ad una percentuale del 20% da raggiungere entro il 2020. In questo ambito, il regolamento europeo ErP (Energy Related Products) introduce una classificazione energetica anche per i generatori di acqua calda ai fini del riscaldamento d’ambiente e dell’acqua calda sanitaria. Tale classificazione si traduce in una etichetta energetica che deve obbligatoriamente accompagnare tutti i prodotti interessati dal Regolamento, introdotti nel mercato dal 26 settembre 2015. L’etichettatura costituisce una facile guida per il consumatore, che può scegliere - tramite indicazioni standardizzate ed oggettive - il prodotto più efficiente. In questo modo la scelta sarà la più parca nei consumi a vantaggio dell’utente, ma anche la più virtuosa per gli equilibri energetici e di conseguenza, per l’ambiente. I parametri più significativi indicati nell’etichetta sono l’indice di efficienza stagionale in riscaldamento e di efficienza nell’eventuale produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, secondo una scala che nel caso del prodotto singolo caldaia si attesta dalla A alla G*. Inoltre per le caldaie combinate viene indicato un profilo di carico corrispondente alla portata sanitaria dell’apparecchio misurata in una serie di prelievi-tipo, garantendo almeno l’efficienza in sanitario dichiarata. Tale indice viene identificato con una lettera/”taglia” (S, M …XXL).Integrazione circuito solareDIVACONDENS D PLUS vanta una elettronica che semplifica l’integrazione con sistemi solari termici, sia a circolazione naturale sia forzata. Il microprocessore controlla la temperatura dell’acqua proveniente dal circuito solare attraverso il sensore di acqua calda sanitaria e accende il bruciatore solo in caso di necessità. Per il raggiungimento della temperatura desiderata, SUN EASY permette un notevole risparmio anche durante le stagioni più fredde, sfruttando e integrando anche il più piccolo contributo solare, altrimenti perso. In caso di irraggiamento insufficiente e quindi un preriscaldo modesto dell’acqua sanitaria, la caldaia contribuirà con il calore necessario per raggiungere la temperatura di setpoint richiesta. Qualora il sole e il sistema solare assolvano al loro “dovere” non sarà necessaria nessuna integrazione da parte della caldaia, l’acqua calda verrà convogliata al rubinetto, senza necessità di dispositivi addizionali, con la miscelazione delle valvole termostatiche.Sicurezza e comfortANTIGELO Nell’eventualità che la temperatura in caldaia scenda a 5°C, il bruciatore si accende automaticamente e il circolatore si attiva al fine di preservare l’apparecchio dai danni causati dal gelo. Tale funzione è attiva con la caldaia alimentata dal circuito gas e sotto tensione elettrica. POST-CIRCOLAZIONE Questa funzione permette di recuperare tutto il calore fornito per inerzia termica dello scambiatore e trasferirlo al sistema di riscaldamento, e di conseguenza ai locali da riscaldare. Si tratta di una funzione timer (di durata personalizzabile) ed è attiva dopo che il bruciatore si spegne in modalità di riscaldamento. FUNZIONAMENTO IN TEMPERATURA SCORREVOLE Con l’installazione del kit “Sonda esterna” è possibile far funzionare la caldaia in temperatura scorrevole. Ciò significa che senza agire sui tasti di regolazione della temperatura di impianto, la caldaia si autoregolerà in funzione delle variazioni delle temperature esterne. Tutto questo si traduce in risparmio energetico pur garantendo il massimo comfort all’utente. EASY CONTROL La scheda elettronica di DIVACONDENS D PLUS adotta il protocollo Opentherm. Esso permette l’integrazione di altre centraline periferiche come, ad esempio, il cronocomando remoto ROMEO. Lo standard Opentherm infatti è stato appositamente studiato per condividere le logiche e gli algoritmi di funzionamento della caldaia con altre centraline aggiuntive. In quanto protocollo digitale, consente una totale integrazione tra caldaia e satellite, con il pieno controllo delle funzioni dalla caldaia e similmente dal suo satellite. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-ferroli-divacondens-d-plus-f24-low-nox-metano-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Ferroli DIVACONDENS D PLUS F24 LOW NOx Metano Completo di kit Scarico Fumi

    ATTENZIONE  LA CALDAIA PRESENTA IRREGOLARITÀ LUNGO LA GRIGLIA INFERIORE, UNA RIPARAZIONE ALLA PLASTICA INTERNA, BOZZATURE FRONTALI, RIENTRANZA FRONTALE, BOMBATURA LATERALE E SUPPORTO POSTERIORE LEGGERMENTE IRREGOLARE. ( PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNI VISUALIZZA LE SEGUENTI FOTO) Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Divacondens D Plus Potenza Termica nominale : 24 kW Alimentazione : Metano La caldaia verrà fornita a metano, per il funzionamento a GPL bisogna rivolgersi al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato di zona Specifiche Efficienza Energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : B Efficienza Energetica Stagionale per il Riscaldamento d'ambiente : 89% Performance Portata Termica Riscaldamento : 7,5 ~ 25,0 kW Potenza Termica Riscaldamento : 7,2 ~ 24,2 kW Rendimento Termico Ultile 30% Pmin : 100,1 % Produzione Acqua Calda Sanitaria 25°C Δt 30°C : 13,9 ~ 11,6 l/min Emissioni NOx 6 Dimensioni e Peso Dimesioni (LxHxP) : 400x700x330 mm Peso : 35 Kg Caldaia Ferroli Divacondens D Plus La Soluzione Più Semplice Per Una Caldaia a Condensazione   DIVACONDENS D PLUS è il generatore di calore a condensazione per i sistemi di riscaldamento tradizionali. La collaudata tecnologia Ferroli nel campo delle caldaie murali tradizionali è stata arricchita incrementando le prestazioni del prodotto nel modo più semplice, con l’utilizzo di un robusto recuperatore che preriscalda il circuito primario utilizzando il calore residuo dei fumi di scarico e di un nuovo bruciatore raffreddato a basse emissioni di NOx. La Gamma Divacondens D Plus è proposta in un unico modello per riscaldamento e produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria Caratteristiche> Caldaia a condensazione per il riscaldamento di impianti ad alta temperatura e produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. Non risulta idonea all’abbinamento con mandata diretta ad impianti con pannelli radianti a bassa temperatura > Scambiatore primario a geometria compatta > Produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria con scambiatore a piastre dedicato > Post-recuperatore del calore latente di condensazione, in funzione di pre-riscaldo del circuito primario > Caldaia a camera stagna e tiraggio forzato, con bruciatore atmosferico raffreddato ad acqua a basse emissioni di NOx > By-pass idraulico automatico di serie > Minime emissioni inquinanti (classe 6 secondo EN 15502-1) > Circolatore alta efficienza a basso consumo (ErP - Classe A) con sistema antibloccaggio tramite attivazione per alcuni secondi ogni 24 ore di inattività > Abbinabile al cronocomando remoto modulante > Pannello comandi semplice e completo, interfaccia utente a display, con tasti di impostazione > Robusto post-condensatore alimentato dal circuito chiuso del primario. Lo scambio termico con i fumi avviene all’interno di passaggi d’acqua di grande diametro. > Generatore dal funzionamento semplice e razionale > Funzione ECO in sanitario per un maggior risparmio nel periodo di scarso utilizzo di acqua calda > Predisposizione impianti solari: predisposta per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria combinata con impianti a pannelli solari > Luogo di installazione: anche per esterno in luogo parzialmente protetto fino a -5°C di serie > Funzionamento certificato anche ad aria propanata (50% aria - 50% G31) mediante apposita trasformazione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato > Funzionamento anche a GPL con l’utilizzo di un apposito kit di conversione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza AutorizzatoControllo in caldaia La centralina di controllo di DIVACONDENS D PLUS consiste in un’interfaccia facile da usare con display retroilluminato. Tramite i pulsanti è possibile regolare facilmente la temperatura di mandata riscaldamento, il setpoint dell’acqua calda sanitaria, accendere / spegnere il generatore o attivare la funzione confort, monitorando lo stato della caldaia. Il pannello di controllo è completato da un manometro tradizionale che può controllare in qualsiasi momento la pressione dell’impianto.Le performanceClassificazione energetica Profilo di carico sanitario (massima portata alla corrispondente efficienza dichiarata in sanitario) Efficienza nella produzione di acqua calda sanitaria PER CALDAIE COMBINATE Il pacchetto “clima-energia 20/20/20” prevede ambiziosi obiettivi di riduzione dell’emissione di gas serra, dei consumi energetici nonché l’incremento dell’uso di energie rinnovabili, corrispondenti ad una percentuale del 20% da raggiungere entro il 2020. In questo ambito, il regolamento europeo ErP (Energy Related Products) introduce una classificazione energetica anche per i generatori di acqua calda ai fini del riscaldamento d’ambiente e dell’acqua calda sanitaria. Tale classificazione si traduce in una etichetta energetica che deve obbligatoriamente accompagnare tutti i prodotti interessati dal Regolamento, introdotti nel mercato dal 26 settembre 2015. L’etichettatura costituisce una facile guida per il consumatore, che può scegliere - tramite indicazioni standardizzate ed oggettive - il prodotto più efficiente. In questo modo la scelta sarà la più parca nei consumi a vantaggio dell’utente, ma anche la più virtuosa per gli equilibri energetici e di conseguenza, per l’ambiente. I parametri più significativi indicati nell’etichetta sono l’indice di efficienza stagionale in riscaldamento e di efficienza nell’eventuale produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, secondo una scala che nel caso del prodotto singolo caldaia si attesta dalla A alla G*. Inoltre per le caldaie combinate viene indicato un profilo di carico corrispondente alla portata sanitaria dell’apparecchio misurata in una serie di prelievi-tipo, garantendo almeno l’efficienza in sanitario dichiarata. Tale indice viene identificato con una lettera/”taglia” (S, M …XXL).Integrazione circuito solareDIVACONDENS D PLUS vanta una elettronica che semplifica l’integrazione con sistemi solari termici, sia a circolazione naturale sia forzata. Il microprocessore controlla la temperatura dell’acqua proveniente dal circuito solare attraverso il sensore di acqua calda sanitaria e accende il bruciatore solo in caso di necessità. Per il raggiungimento della temperatura desiderata, SUN EASY permette un notevole risparmio anche durante le stagioni più fredde, sfruttando e integrando anche il più piccolo contributo solare, altrimenti perso. In caso di irraggiamento insufficiente e quindi un preriscaldo modesto dell’acqua sanitaria, la caldaia contribuirà con il calore necessario per raggiungere la temperatura di setpoint richiesta. Qualora il sole e il sistema solare assolvano al loro “dovere” non sarà necessaria nessuna integrazione da parte della caldaia, l’acqua calda verrà convogliata al rubinetto, senza necessità di dispositivi addizionali, con la miscelazione delle valvole termostatiche.Sicurezza e comfortANTIGELO Nell’eventualità che la temperatura in caldaia scenda a 5°C, il bruciatore si accende automaticamente e il circolatore si attiva al fine di preservare l’apparecchio dai danni causati dal gelo. Tale funzione è attiva con la caldaia alimentata dal circuito gas e sotto tensione elettrica. POST-CIRCOLAZIONE Questa funzione permette di recuperare tutto il calore fornito per inerzia termica dello scambiatore e trasferirlo al sistema di riscaldamento, e di conseguenza ai locali da riscaldare. Si tratta di una funzione timer (di durata personalizzabile) ed è attiva dopo che il bruciatore si spegne in modalità di riscaldamento. FUNZIONAMENTO IN TEMPERATURA SCORREVOLE Con l’installazione del kit “Sonda esterna” è possibile far funzionare la caldaia in temperatura scorrevole. Ciò significa che senza agire sui tasti di regolazione della temperatura di impianto, la caldaia si autoregolerà in funzione delle variazioni delle temperature esterne. Tutto questo si traduce in risparmio energetico pur garantendo il massimo comfort all’utente. EASY CONTROL La scheda elettronica di DIVACONDENS D PLUS adotta il protocollo Opentherm. Esso permette l’integrazione di altre centraline periferiche come, ad esempio, il cronocomando remoto ROMEO. Lo standard Opentherm infatti è stato appositamente studiato per condividere le logiche e gli algoritmi di funzionamento della caldaia con altre centraline aggiuntive. In quanto protocollo digitale, consente una totale integrazione tra caldaia e satellite, con il pieno controllo delle funzioni dalla caldaia e similmente dal suo satellite. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Savio Superevodens 24 S* Condensazione Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Boiler Savio Superevodens 24 S* Methane Condensation Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp

    SAVIO SuperEVOdens 24 S* METHANE CONDENSING Boiler Complete with Fume Exhaust Kit - ErP Model: SuperEVOdens 24S ErP specifications Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 25 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power: 24.4 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 97.4% Yield at 30% load: 98.9% High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) NOx class 2 Weighted NOx: 166 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 40/85°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion vessel capacity 8 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25K)/(ΔT=35K): 13.9/10 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 11.6 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/82 IPX4D degree of protection Dimensions HxWxD 803x400x350; 42.5 kgs Power supply: methane or LPG Standard Digital electronic room thermostat Boiler support bracket and paper template Condensate collection siphon Quick instruction to the user SuperEVO dens SuperEVOdens is the condensing boiler designed for traditional systems and easily adaptable to new underfloor systems using SIMpatico, a hot water distribution device for heating Savings and ease of use SuperEVOdens maintains the simplicity of management, programming and regulation of the traditional boiler and imports the savings of the condensing boiler deriving from the recovery of heat from the fumes. The heat recovery unit preheats the system water with the heat released by the fumes, heat which in traditional boilers is dispersed into the environment. This recovery of energy from the fumes, at typical operating temperatures of radiator systems, leads SuperEVOdens to have higher yields than traditional boilers. High yields (in compliance with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Copper lamellar primary heat exchanger with large exchange surface and double circulation Aluminum heat recovery unit to exploit the heat of the fumes and transfer it to the water Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Digital control panel with backlit display Electronic card for: - Restart frequency adjustment - Adjustable primary circuit thermal inertia disposal - Circulator mode selection - Circulator anti-seize - Antifreeze safety - Chimney sweep function Integrated automatic by-pass 8 liter expansion vessel Immunity to radio interference Magnetic sanitary flow switch Absolute heating pressure switch IPX4D degree of protection High circulation primary exchanger It is the element that distinguishes the entire Savio range. It favors the flow of water into the heating system and, thanks to its reduced hydraulic resistance, adapts the boiler to the system and facilitates the transmission of heat to the radiators. Heat recovery The heat recovery recovers the heat from the fumes before they are expelled and preheats the water directed to the primary exchanger. The recuperator is made of aluminium, has a finned coil which determines a large exchange surface and has a device to ensure that the boiler discharges the condensate correctly Command panel Summer/winter/off selector Heating temperature regulator DHW temperature regulator Digital and analog pressure reading DHW and heating temperature visualization from the display Display of fault diagnostics, block status and fault history Recommended fill display Display annual periodic maintenance expiry Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Superevodens 24 S* A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Superevodens 24 S* LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp

    SAVIO SuperEVOdens 28 S* LPG CONDENSING Boiler Complete with Fume Exhaust Kit - ErP Model: SuperEVOdens 24S ErP specifications Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 25 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power: 24.4 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 97.4% Yield at 30% load: 98.9% High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) NOx class 2 Weighted NOx: 166 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 40/85°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion tank capacity 8 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25K)/(ΔT=35K): 13.9/10 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 11.6 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/82 IPX4D degree of protection Dimensions HxWxD 803x400x350; 42.5 kgs Power supply: methane or LPG Standard Digital electronic room thermostat Boiler support bracket and paper template Condensate collection siphon Quick instruction to the user SuperEVO dens SuperEVOdens is the condensing boiler designed for traditional systems and easily adaptable to new underfloor systems using SIMpatico, a hot water distribution device for heating Savings and ease of use SuperEVOdens maintains the simplicity of management, programming and regulation of the traditional boiler and imports the savings of the condensing boiler deriving from the recovery of heat from the fumes. The heat recovery unit preheats the system water with the heat released by the fumes, heat which in traditional boilers is dispersed into the environment. This recovery of energy from the fumes, at typical operating temperatures of radiator systems, leads SuperEVOdens to have higher yields than traditional boilers. High yields (in compliance with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Copper lamellar primary heat exchanger with large exchange surface and double circulation Aluminum heat recovery unit to exploit the heat of the fumes and transfer it to the water Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Digital control panel with backlit display Electronic board for: - Restart frequency adjustment - Adjustable primary circuit thermal inertia disposal - Circulator mode selection - Circulator anti-seize - Antifreeze safety - Chimney sweep function Integrated automatic by-pass 8 liter expansion vessel Immunity to radio interference Magnetic sanitary flow switch Absolute heating pressure switch IPX4D degree of protection High circulation primary exchanger It is the element that distinguishes the entire Savio range. It favors the flow of water into the heating system and, thanks to its reduced hydraulic resistance, adapts the boiler to the system and facilitates the transmission of heat to the radiators. Heat recovery The heat recovery recovers the heat from the fumes before they are expelled and preheats the water directed to the primary exchanger. The recuperator is made of aluminium, has a finned coil which determines a large exchange surface and has a device to ensure that the boiler discharges the condensate correctly Command panel Summer/winter/off selector Heating temperature regulator DHW temperature regulator Digital and analog pressure reading DHW and heating temperature visualization from the display Display of fault diagnostics, block status and fault history Recommended fill display Display annual periodic maintenance expiry Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Riello Family Ar 25 Kis Gpl A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi -New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Family Ar 25 Kis LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Kit -New Erp

    RIELLO FAMILY AR 25 KIS LPG CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical characteristics Product code: 20100508 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Furnace thermal power (heating) min-max: 8.5÷25.0 kW Useful thermal power (sanitary) min-max: 8.5÷25.0 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 96.2% Profit return 30% (47th return): 95.3% Sealed chamber, forced draught Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 14.3 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 845 x 400 x 332 ; 42 kgs Electrical protection degree: IP X5D NOx class: 2 Power supply: METHANE FAMILY AR Yield **** Combined models for heating and domestic hot water production Family AR is the new generation condensing boiler specifically designed to operate with high temperatures (80°C delivery and 60°C return) and therefore in radiator systems. Family AR contains Altaresa condensing technology in the aesthetics and in the special Family functions. Family AR has an Air/Gas combustion (patented): thanks to the modulating fan, the mixture of air and gas is kept optimal and constant over the entire power range, always maintaining high efficiency. Thanks to the treated aluminum post-exchanger, very high yields up to 102.9% are obtained. The climatic regulation is managed directly by the boiler control unit, via the external probe (accessory), it allows the temperature of the heating system to be suitably adapted to the external climatic conditions. The equipment is completed by anti-freeze systems (down to -3°C), circulator anti-blocking systems, three-way valve, Wellness button and rapid button which reduces the waiting times for domestic hot water. Family AR is available with powers of 25, 29 and 35 kW. Characteristics: Technology, ease of control and management: • Memory key: activates machine intelligence. - sanitary: hot water always ready and without waste, according to the usage habits of the family. - in heating: reduction of home heating times. • Wellness key: maintains hot water delivery at the ideal temperature for the shower (40°C customizable +/- 5°C). • Touch&Go function: directly from the tap, it activates pre-heating for just one water draw. • Intelligent system filling: allows you to fill the system in complete autonomy. Air/gas combustion (patented): optimal mixture of gas and air to obtain high and constant efficiency over the entire power range with efficiency up to 102.9%. Condensing exchanger located downstream of the fan for further recovery of the heat contained in the exhaust fumes. Advantages for installation: Efficiency ★★★★ according to Dir. 92/42/CEE. Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Climatic regulation managed directly by the boiler control unit Special Family functions: Wellness key, Memory key, Touch&Go function Intelligent system filling Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Beretta Ciao At 29 Csi Lx Low Nox A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Metano Codice 20151830 - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Beretta Ciao At 29 Csi Lx Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Kit Code 20151830

    Beretta CIAO AT 29 csi LOW NoX condensing boiler Complete with smoke kit Cod. 20151830 Technical specifications according to ErP directives Model: HELLO AT LOW NOx Sanitary energy efficiency class: A Energy efficiency class in heating: B Load profile: XL Product code 20151830 Natural gas supply Technical features: Indoor/Outdoor installation Nominal heat input 28 kW Nominal thermal power 26.8 kW Nominal thermal power at partial load (30%) 8.5 kW Useful efficiency at nominal power 86.3% n4 New version NOx < 56 mg/kWh IPX5D electrical protection degree Dimensions Dimensions h/w/d (mm): 780/452/336 NB: THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE, IT CAN BE CONVERTED TO LPG THROUGH THE AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER HELLO AT new LOW NOx model Hi AT, ideal for replacement in systems with radiators Ciao AT is the innovative condensing boiler specifically designed by Beretta for traditional high temperature systems (radiators and radiators). The boiler is equipped with a heat recovery unit on the fumes and combustion in a sealed chamber; this allows to obtain very high performance in terms of efficiency and therefore a significant energy saving. New burner with low NOx emissions Specific for systems with radiators and radiators (at high temperature) Condensing post exchanger in aluminum alloy Possibility of outdoor installation with antifreeze heater kit (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA) Low consumption circulator 6 m (EEI≤0.20) Hydraulic connections cover (optional) Condensate collection neutralizer drawer kit (optional) Template, hydraulic fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) High performance and low consumption In the Ciao AT boiler, the water in the primary circuit passes through an additional exchanger, which allows you to recover energy that would otherwise be wasted. This process makes it possible to recover latent heat and therefore to further increase the performance of the boiler. The energy saving offered by a boiler is greater the higher its efficiency: Ciao AT therefore allows you to reduce gas consumption compared to a boiler without an additional exchanger. The management The electronic panel is the interface for managing the boiler. Simple and intuitive, it allows you to adjust the boiler parameters and activate the numerous functions. The liquid crystal display provides information on the status of the device and the diagnostic codes. By turning the knobs, the heating water and domestic hot water temperature can be set easily and intuitively. The panel integrates the Sistema Clima Amico function. Compatible with BeSMART The BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control Panel, optional compatible with Ciao AT, is the remote boiler management device with modulating chronothermostat functions. With the WiFi Box accessory, included in the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control, it is also possible to manage comfort remotely using Smartphones and Tablets. The BeSMART WiFi control is very simple to install and intuitive to use and allows you to adjust the parameters and activate the many functions on the boiler. A large liquid crystal display shows all important information. Using the buttons on the control, the temperature of the heating water and domestic hot water is set easily and intuitively and the heating time programming is carried out. Outdoor installation Ciao AT is designed to also be installed outdoors in partially protected places thanks to the dedicated accessories (bottom cover kit and top cover kit) and board antifreeze protection down to 0 °C. In colder temperatures it is possible to extend the protection down to -10 °C using the special antifreeze heater kit with which the lower cover is required. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Riello Start Ar 25 Kis Gpl A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi -New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Start Ar 25 Kis LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Kit -New Erp

    RIELLO START AR 25 KIS LPG CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT -NEW ErP Product code: 20101168 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating nominal heat input: 25 kW Heating nominal heat output: 24.35 kW Sanitary nominal heat input: 25 kW Sanitary nominal thermal power: 25 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency Pn max - Pn min (80°-60°) % 97.4-95.0 Profit return 30% (47th return) % 95.2 Sealed chamber, forced draught Electric power W 123 Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 14.3 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 780 x 400 x 332 ; 40 Kg Electrical protection degree: IP X5D Power supply: LPG START AR Yield **** Combined models Start AR is the condensing boiler specifically designed to work with high temperatures and therefore with radiator systems; it is specially designed to have a reduced formation of condensate with system return temperatures above 50°C. It is available in powers of 25 and 29 kW. Characteristics: Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Climatic regulation managed directly by the boiler control unit Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym of “ Energy related Products ” (products connected to the use of energy) and is the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design ("eco-design "). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad as up to now it has involved products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 it will also apply to heating products and the production of domestic hot water. Also from the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitional period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community was necessary to allow the full implementation of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating and domestic hot water production The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and/or for the production of sanitary water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the release of the product from the factories to the market. All products previously introduced, for example present in distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new way to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pump products, as has been done for air conditioners, the efficiency figure is reported for the average climatic range.   In addition to the product energy labels, the European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the event that a plant is created in which various appliances, components and controls operate.   This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/or puts the system into operation (sellers-installers); however, this option is also granted to builders.   Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Beretta Ciao At 29 Csi Lx Low Nox A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Metano Gpl - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Beretta Ciao At 29 Csi Lx Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Methane Fume Kit

    ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA SERVICE CENTER IN ADVANCE Beretta CIAO AT 29 csi LOW NoX condensing boiler Complete with smoke kit Cod. 20151830 Technical specifications according to ErP directives Model: HELLO AT LOW NOx Sanitary energy efficiency class: A Energy efficiency class in heating: B Load profile: XL Product code 20151830 LPG supply Technical features: Indoor/Outdoor installation Nominal heat input 28 kW Nominal thermal power 26.8 kW Nominal thermal power at partial load (30%) 8.5 kW Useful efficiency at nominal power 86.3% n4 New version NOx < 56 mg/kWh IPX5D electrical protection degree Dimensions Dimensions h/w/d (mm): 780/452/336 HELLO AT new LOW NOx model Hi AT, ideal for replacement in systems with radiators Ciao AT is the innovative condensing boiler specifically designed by Beretta for traditional high temperature systems (radiators and radiators). The boiler is equipped with a heat recovery unit on the fumes and combustion in a sealed chamber; this allows to obtain very high performance in terms of efficiency and therefore a significant energy saving. New burner with low NOx emissions Specific for systems with radiators and radiators (at high temperature) Condensing post exchanger in aluminum alloy Possibility of outdoor installation with antifreeze heater kit (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA) Low consumption circulator 6 m (EEI≤0.20) Hydraulic connections cover (optional) Condensate collection neutralizer drawer kit (optional) Template, hydraulic fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) High performance and low consumption In the Ciao AT boiler, the water in the primary circuit passes through an additional exchanger, which allows you to recover energy that would otherwise be wasted. This process makes it possible to recover latent heat and therefore to further increase the performance of the boiler. The energy saving offered by a boiler is greater the higher its efficiency: Ciao AT therefore allows you to reduce gas consumption compared to a boiler without an additional exchanger. The management The electronic panel is the interface for managing the boiler. Simple and intuitive, it allows you to adjust the boiler parameters and activate the numerous functions. The liquid crystal display provides information on the status of the device and the diagnostic codes. By turning the knobs, the heating water and domestic hot water temperature can be set easily and intuitively. The panel integrates the Sistema Clima Amico function. Compatible with BeSMART The BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control Panel, optional compatible with Ciao AT, is the remote boiler management device with modulating chronothermostat functions. With the WiFi Box accessory, included in the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control, it is also possible to manage comfort remotely using Smartphones and Tablets. The BeSMART WiFi control is very simple to install and intuitive to use and allows you to adjust the parameters and activate the many functions on the boiler. A large liquid crystal display shows all important information. Using the buttons on the control, the temperature of the heating water and domestic hot water is set easily and intuitively and the heating time programming is carried out. Outdoor installation Ciao AT is designed to also be installed outdoors in partially protected places thanks to the dedicated accessories (bottom cover kit and top cover kit) and board antifreeze protection down to 0 °C. In colder temperatures it is possible to extend the protection down to -10 °C using the special antifreeze heater kit with which the lower cover is required. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Riello Family Ar 35 Kis Gpl A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Family Ar 35 Kis LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Kit - New Erp

    RIELLO FAMILY AR 35 KIS LPG CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 20100513 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Furnace thermal power (heating) min-max: 9.9÷34.8 kW Useful heat output (sanitary) min-max: 9.9÷34.8 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 97.5% Profit return 30% (47th return): 96.5% Sealed chamber, forced draught Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 20 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 845 x 500 x 332 ; 48 kgs Electrical protection degree: IP X5D NOx class: 2 Power supply: METHANE FAMILY AR Yield **** Combined models for heating and domestic hot water production Family AR is the new generation condensing boiler specifically designed to operate with high temperatures (80°C delivery and 60°C return) and therefore in radiator systems. Family AR contains Altaresa condensing technology in the aesthetics and in the special Family functions. Family AR has an Air/Gas combustion (patented): thanks to the modulating fan, the mixture of air and gas is kept optimal and constant over the entire power range, always maintaining high efficiency. Thanks to the treated aluminum post-exchanger, very high yields up to 102.9% are obtained. The climatic regulation is managed directly by the boiler control unit, via the external probe (accessory), it allows the temperature of the heating system to be suitably adapted to the external climatic conditions. The equipment is completed by anti-freeze systems (down to -3°C), circulator anti-blocking systems, three-way valve, Wellness button and rapid button which reduces the waiting times for domestic hot water. Family AR is available with powers of 25, 29 and 35 kW. Characteristics: Technology, ease of control and management: • Memory key: activates machine intelligence. - sanitary: hot water always ready and without waste, according to the usage habits of the family. - in heating: reduction of home heating times. • Wellness key: maintains hot water delivery at the ideal temperature for the shower (40°C customizable +/- 5°C). • Touch&Go function: directly from the tap, it activates pre-heating for just one water draw. • Intelligent system filling: allows you to fill the system in complete autonomy. Air/gas combustion (patented): optimal mixture of gas and air to obtain high and constant efficiency over the entire power range with efficiency up to 102.9%. Condensing exchanger located downstream of the fan for further recovery of the heat contained in the exhaust fumes. Advantages for installation: Efficiency ★★★★ according to Dir. 92/42/EEC. Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Climatic regulation managed directly by the boiler control unit Special Family functions: Wellness key, Memory key, Touch&Go function Intelligent system filling Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • Caldaia A Gas Biasi Parva Recupera E 28s A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Metano -New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Biasi Gas Boiler Biasi Parva Recover E 28s Condensing Complete With Methane Fume Kit -New Erp

    Overview BIASI PARVA RECUPERA E 28S METHANE CONDENSING BOILER - NEW ErP 2015, SEALED CHAMBER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT: PARVA Recupera E the ErP condensing boiler with heat recovery unit Technical specifications Model:ÿPARVA Recover E 28S Product number:ÿ10313.2027.3 Energy label specifications according to the European ErPÿ directive Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profiles: XL Characteristics of heating/sanitary exercises: Thermal input:ÿ29ÿkW Rated useful power: 28.4 kW Nominal load efficiency:ÿ98% Efficiency minimum load:ÿ95.8% Energy efficiency stars: (dir 92/42/EEC) **** Min/max heating temperature: 38/85ÿøC Capacity of the expansion vessel: 6 lt Sanitary flow rate t =25øK l/min: 16.3 l/min Degrees of protection for the electrical system:ÿIPX4D Extremely compact dimensions hxwxd: mmÿ803x400x350ÿ; 49kg METHANE power supply Features list ErP wall-mounted boilers with recuperator Redeveloping an old thermal systemÿ Biasi has designed the ÿPARVA Recupera NOx EÿandÿPARVA Recupera Eÿboilers to replace traditional boilers in old systems. The PARVA Recupera boilers by Biasi are equipped with a corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy fume recovery unit which makes these boilers particularly solid. The recovery unit is made of aluminium, has a finned coil which determines a large exchange surface and is equipped with a device to ensure that the boiler discharges the condensate correctly. The recuperator is treated with a Teflon coating process to ensure maximum durability over time. Thanks to the large exchange surface, the recuperator allows the recovery of thermal energy which would otherwise be dispersed outside through the hot fumes produced by combustion. PARVA Recover E PARVA Recupera E is the condensing boiler designed for traditional systems and easily adaptable to new floor-based systems using MULTIZONE, a hot water distribution system for heating. PARVA It recovers the traditional boiler in the regulations but it has clearly higher efficiency than the traditional boilers at the same operating temperature. As a condensing boiler, PARVA Recupera allows you to take advantage of the tax deduction according to current legislation. Characteristics: High yields (in compliance with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06ÿ Primary laminated copper heat exchanger with large double circulation exchange surfaceÿ Aluminum heat recovery unit to exploit the heat of the fumes and transfer it to the waterÿ Sanitary plate heat exchanger in INOXÿ steel High efficiency pump with low energy consumptionÿ retractable control panel, with ergonomic knobs and backlit displayÿ Electronic board for:ÿ - Re-ignition frequency adjustmentÿ - Adjustable primary circuit thermal inertia disposalsÿ - Selection of circulator modeÿ - Circulator anti-seizeÿ - Antifreeze safetyÿ - Chimney sweep functionÿ Integrated automatic by-passÿ Immunity to radio interferenceÿ Sanitary flowstat magneticÿ Absolute heating pressure switchÿ Degrees of protection IPX4Dÿ Possibility of integrating PARVA Recupera E with Biasi solar systems using the optional solar kit. Fiscal detraction As a condensing boiler, PARVA Recupera E allows you to take advantage of the tax deduction according to current legislation.ÿÿ Heat recoveryÿ The heat recovery recovers the heat from the fumes before they are expelled and preheats the water directed to the primary exchanger. The recuperator made of aluminum has a finned coil which determines a large exchange surface and has a device to ensure that the boiler discharges the condensate correctly.ÿÿ Thermoregulation By connecting the external probe (optional) directly to the boiler, you can access the climatic adjustment function. The boiler is equipped with a complete set of curves which can be accessed by entering programming. By simply turning a knob you choose the curve, PARVA recovers and will automatically adapt its operation to the external climatic conditions.ÿÿ High circulation primary heat exchangerÿ It is the element that distinguishes the whole PARVA E Biasi range. It favors the flow of water into the heating system and, thanks to its reduced hydraulic resistance, adapts the boiler to the system, facilitating the transmission of heat to the radiators.ÿ Save simplicity of use Parva Recupera retains the simplicity of management, programming and regulation of the traditional boiler and imports the savings of the condensing boiler resulting from the recovery of heat from the fumes. The heat recovery unit preheats the system water with the heat released by the fumes, heat which in traditional boilers is dispersed into the environment. This recovery of energy from the fumes, at operating temperatures typical of radiator systems, leads Parva Recupera to have higher yields than traditional boilers. Low complexity, high comfort Parva Recupera boilers, despite the high technical content, are still very easy to use. Theÿcontrol panelÿhas two knobs dedicated to regulating the temperature of the domestic hot water and the heating water, the key to reset the boiler after the lockout status, the new display to view the boiler operating status and make it easier for the user to understand and installer settings . Fault diagnostics allow immediate verification of correct operation. The manometer allows you to check the system pressure while the temperature is shown on the display. Everything is hidden under a door that defines the sober and linear aesthetics of Parva Recupera. Included in delivery Boiler support bracket and paper templateÿ Condensate collection trapÿ Quick instruction to the user.ÿ All ready for Energy Labeling What is it about From 26 September 2015 the directives of the European Commission concerning eco-design and energy labeling will apply. These two directives aim to achieve savings in one of the most polluting and most energy intensive sectors: construction For placing on the European market, the directive on ÿeco-designÿ(ErP notcome®ÿEnergy Related Productsÿ¯) imposes a minimum energy efficiency for heating devices and hot water production in domestic premises. The directive applies to: generators with a capacity of less than 400 kW water heaters with a capacity of less than 400 kW, kettles with a capacity of less than 2000 litres As in the household appliances sector, the energy labelingÿof products, with a capacity of less than 70 kW, will give consumers simple, recognizable information which allows them to make comparisonsÿon the performance and energy consumption of the product they wish to purchase. The energy label will be included in all boilers, water heaters and storage tanks placed on the market from 26 September 2015. It's about me too YES, it affects everyone: professionals and end users The information indicated on the energy labelÿwill allow professionals to recommend the right productÿÿindividuals to benefit from the information available. The user will be able to easily compare the performance of the products. From 26 September 2015, the label will be present on the following products: boilers, electric water heaters, thermodynamic water heaters, solar water heaters, storage tanks, heat pumps, solar systems and control systems. Supplier's liability The company that supplies the product on the market is required to equip its system devices with the following documentation: product energy label;ÿ product data sheet;ÿ system energy label in addition to that of the product, both if it sells a system that includes the product in question, and if this, in the future, can be sold combined with other additional devices;ÿ technical data sheet of the system with the parts relating to the products and the system already completed. Responsibilities of Resellersÿ First of all, it should be clarified that the reseller can be anyone who sells, rents, offers for rent/sale and exhibits a device/system to the public. Therefore, even professionals such as plumbers, installers, designers can fall into this category. All bound to ensure that: all appliances and/systems having their respective labels and making sure they are clearly visible;ÿ all appliances and/systems must always be accompanied by the obligatory technical data sheets;ÿ every type of advertising material, technical promotional material which shows energy data and price indications, contains an indication of the energy efficiency class. The new ErP regulations ENERGY LABELLING: Appliances for space heating and the production of hot water will have to be equipped with the new energy label which will report the energy class and the main performance data. The energy class must also be mentioned in the technical, commercial and advertising documentation of the appliances. ECODESIGN (ErP): The new ErP regulations impose the minimum energy efficiency that space heating and hot water production appliances must achieve in order to obtain the CE mark and be marketed in Europe. These new limits will exclude obsolete technologies from the market, significantly raising the level of energy efficiency of products. PRODUCT LABEL There are different labels depending on the type of appliance. Those with efficiency classes A, A+ and A++ certify products with the highest performance. Furthermore, two different classifications are foreseen for domestic heating and for hot water production services, so much so that mixed products must show both classifications. In addition to the energy class, the labels contain other information, so that the end customer can make his choice in the most aware way possible. SYSTEM LABEL In addition to the product label, the system label is also providedÿin cases where a series of appliances combined with each other is offered. This label must also be included in the technical and commercial documentation of the system. Those proposing such systems will have to calculate the performance using a predefined calculation algorithm and display the label so as to inform the end user in the best possible way. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Mynute Sinthesi 25 Csi A Condensazione Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Mynute Sinthesi 25 Csi Methane Condensing Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit New Erp

    Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal heat input: 25 kW Classification European Directive EEC 92/42: **** Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 780 x 400 x 336 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water) S (sealed chamber) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control) Exclusive services: Mynute Sinthesi - ErP Mynute Sinthesi by Beretta is a wall-mounted condensing boiler for high temperature single-family systems. Continuous electronic modulation of the gas antifreeze device as standard (up to 0°C). Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA). Mynute Sinthesi keeps all the peculiarities of the Mynute range unchanged but evolves towards new needs. The boiler is equipped with a heat recovery unit on the fumes and combustion in a sealed chamber; this makes it possible to obtain very high performance in terms of efficiency and therefore significant energy savings. Mynute Sinthesi therefore represents the ideal solution both in the first installation and in the replacement. Characteristics: ErP boilers with 6 m low consumption circulator (EEI≤0.20) Specific for high temperature systems Condensing post exchanger in aluminum alloy IPX5D electrical protection degree Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA) Hydraulic connections cover (optional) Template, plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future The acronym ErP, acronym of "Energy related Products" (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations issued at the same time for the energy labeling of products to supplement the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU will also become effective. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and for the production of domestic hot water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW can only be placed on the market with an energy label that highlights the efficiency class * . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in case systems are created with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual appliances. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent less efficient products from being placed on the market. The obligation to comply with minimum heat loss limits will also apply to DHW tanks. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat dispersion. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters will be bound to compliance with the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labelling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Riello Start Ar 29 Kis Low Nox A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Riello Start Ar 29 Kis Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    START AR 29 KIS WALL-MOUNTED CONDENSING BOILER FOR HEATING AND HOT WATER FUME KIT INCLUDED LPG KASKO INSURANCE SHIPPING ON PLATFORM ErP technical data Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class B Water heating energy efficiency class A Declared load profile XL Heating technical data Nominal heat input (Hi) kW 28 Nominal heat output (80-60°C) 26.82 Warm-up exercise Maximum pressure bar 3 Maximum temperature 90 °C Membrane expansion vessel l 8 Sanitary technical data Nominal heat input (Hi) kW 28.00 Profit return 30% (30th return) % 100.6 Supply voltage V - Hz 230-50 IP X5D degree of protection NOx class 6 Dimensions WxDxH 400x332x780 mm; 37 kgs START AR Start AR is the condensing boiler specifically designed to operate with high temperatures and therefore with radiator systems. It is available in power ratings of 25 and 29 kW with low NOx emissions <56 mg/kWh. – Cooled burner – Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) – Climatic regulation managed directly by the boiler control unit – Assembly crossbar, power supply cable supplied – Hydraulic connections available as an accessory – Degree of electrical protection IP X5D Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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